Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Well I’m not going to try to speak for my whole party but I don’t have an issue with Biden picking whoever he thinks will give him the best chance at beating Trump. As you know I don’t see Trump as actually being fit for the office, you obviously feel much differently WB.

No, not qualified at all. Just the most quantifiably accomplished president in 50 years.



Before that I would have said Ronald Reagan is the most accomplisshed president of my lifetime. Trump doesn't have blind loyalty from his supporters, he has earned it. Like no president in four decades, he came along at just the right time, and brought this country back from the edge of the abyss. Supercharging our economy with pro-groth policy and slashing smothering regulation. Securing our borders. Sensible immigration policy. Building a wall. ENDING "catch-and release of illegals. Re-building our dangerously depleted military. Re-negotiating trade agreements with Europe, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Mexico, and central and south America. Things I has given up hope could ever be done, Trump accomplished mostly in his first year.

If Obama, Hillary, Biden, or even Rubio or Cruz were president, all of these are too mainstream and would never have taken the bold steps that trump has to put our country back on the right path. And we would be on our way to economic slavery to China, or wors.
And overwhelmed with millions of illegal immigrants that Trump stopped.

Why you demonize Trump, I'll never understand. For whatever personality quirks or insulting Twitter posts (always in response to those who fired the first shot and slandered him) Trump has unquestionably, QUANTIFIABLY delivered the goods, for the entire nation. So far as I can see, much of the Democrat anger toward him is because they know they can't offer better than the accomplishments Trump has delivered. And as I've said repeatedly, they would treat not just Trump, but ANY Republican with the same evil and vitriol, as "racist", "white supremacist", "KKK", "Nazi", on and on. And as proof of that, I offer Democrat/media treatment of Cruz, Romney, McCain, and W. Bush, all the way back to Reagan, Ford and Nixon. This venomous labelling is not unique to Trump, but given to any Republican who dares to even run for president.

Whereas the Democrats are the proven radicals, who are absolutely ruthless and have no ethical standards in what they say and do. Even beyond slander, weaponizing the IRS, FBI and DOJ and FISA court against their political opponents. Democrat worship Marxist dictators like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Hugo Chaves and the Sandinistas, among other marxist dictatorships, and see Constitutional rule of law as something that can be set aside if it gets in the way of their power. I've cited many times the praise of Marxist dictators and Marxist ideology, and contempt for our capitalist system by Obama and Hillary officials, as can plainly be read in any of their listings at Discoverthenetworks .org:


Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Valerie Jarrett, Huma Abedin, Anita Dunn, Van Jones, Mark Lloyd, Cass Sunstein, Ron Bloom, Frank Marshall Davis, Bill Ayers, Jeff Jones, the Apollo Alliance, on and on.
It is not the slightest exaggeration to call these people Bolsheviks and Marxist revolutionaries. They clearly are committed revolutionaries, deeply anti-capitalist and radical to the core. And yet you support them with blind loyalty.

Democrats will promise one thing, say ANYTHING to get elected, and then pursue their true hidden agenda if and when elected. The Clintons and the Obamas are just the latest two examples of this. And as in the examples of Travelgate, Scooter Libby, Lois Lerner, George Pappadapoulos, Roger Stone and Michael Flynn, to name just a few, Democrats have absolutely no reservations about destroying innocent people just to advance their agenda. These people are evil, and yet you unwaveringly support them. I will never understand that.

it doesn't matter who Biden selects, or Biden himself. Everything on the Democrat side is about image and lying narrative, in pursuit of a Bolshevik revolution. His V.P. chosen will be about image and lying narrative. Their campaign platform will be about image and lying narrative. To advance a hidden revolutionary and anti-American agenda.