Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I’m interested if you liked it after you’ve seen the season.

I finished it tonight. I'd probably give it an 8 or 9.

The concept was fascinating, if not disturbing (especially the final concept) and handled better than most TV shows or movies that try this sort of thing.

For the most part, the story played fair with the audience in terms of the story. There was no "out of left field" plot twist or overt paradoxes, assuming one paid attention.

The weakest part was the lead actress. Her delivery is sometimes flat, to the point of almost taking one out of the story. As the series went on I realized that when she isn't actually talking, her acting is rather good: her facial expressions, her body language, etc., did a good job of complying her emotions (sometimes complex ones). But, when she opens her mouth, she voice seems to convey little of that. I suspect the issue is that English isn't her first language and this impeded her vocal (rather than physical) performance. That being said, the rest of the cast is very good and, as noted above, I was impressed by the willingness to have a TV show cast with largely plain to unattractive characters.

It was overall a smart science fiction show and the kind of intelligent limited series we need more of.

If/when you get Hulu again I'd recommend it.