Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Apparently people were asked to remove their masks for a meeting with Pence. He of course is now sensitive to doing photo ops where he refuses to wear one. I normally don’t care about someone else’s vanity but it does illustrate their true character to the lengths that they go.

I don't know what the fuck that means, but I'm sure you're implying something negative.

I think Pence has proven himself to be a person of exceptional character, and really, a boy scout among leaders in national politics. We're talking about a guy who won't spend time alone with any woman, out of loyalty and fidelity to his wife. For which he was, of course, widely mocked by the contemptuous Democrat/Left and media, who have no values and no loyalty to anyone.

Whatever the evil minons of the Left detest in Trump, I think their worst nightmare would be Pence beccoming president. Because Trump, like Reagan, is a negotiator (i.e., "I'll give them 25% of what they want, so they'll give me 75% of what I want.") Whereas Pence is a steadfast Christian conservative, and he would push much harder on issues like birth control, abortion, gay nazism, and other extreme pushes of the radical left.

You guys have no idea how lucky you are to be dealing with Trump, someone who is flexible and willing to negotiate. It's ironic that your side treats Trump like a rigid idealogue and demonize him, because if your side would just set aside the hate and demagoguery toward Trump, your side could probably get a lot of what they want. More so than they could with Pence and a lot of other Republican conservatives.