Originally Posted By: "Baghdad Bob" Matter-eater Man
Trump admin struggles to explain what’s criminal about Obamagate

For all the partisan conservative yelling there isn’t an actual crime, y’know like obstruction of justice or lying to the FBI.

When Biden gets elected Trump’s fat ass is toast.

Trump said it's obvious what is criminal. Obtaining fraudulent FISA warrants, based on known falsified evidence. FBI officials deliberately presenting false evidence to a judge to get those FISA warrants. Leaking classified documents to the press. Perjury. Malicious prosecution. Obstruction of justice.
If you want the case made, read Gregg Jarrett's book The Russia Hoax. And that was only with the evidence on display in late 2017! And so much more is known now of further improper actions by FBI, DOJ, CIA, DNI, by the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign, and by the highest officials of the Obama Oval Office itself.
Comey admitted he leaked FBI documents to a friend (a college professor and sometimes contract employee for the FBI under Comey) to create a false narrative and provoke forming of the Mueller investigation.
Comey (on video!) admitted he lied and broke the law when he sent 2 FBI agents (one of them ultra-partisan conspirator Peter Strzok) to interview Michael Flynn at the white house.

Flynn's original legal counsel, who pressured Flynn to take a plea despite that he was clearly not guilty, turn out to be a law firm of extremely partisan Democrat lawyers, where Eric Holder is a partner, who donated $100,000 to the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2016, who have donated $80,000 to the Biden campaign, and tens of thousands more to other 2020 Democrat campaigns. Flynn's own lawyers were part of the shakedown. Selling out your own client to help the prosecution for partisan reasons certainly breaks a few laws.
On and on.
Barr and Durham can certainly give you a list with their indictments when their investigation concludes. They have already prepared for criminal indictments of Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and McCabe. Flynn's new attorney Syndey Powell (an attorney in the Clinton Whitewater special investigation) has made a career in the last 2 decades of setting free innocent men that have been shaken down illegally by a criminal FBI run by Mueller, McCabe, Comey, Fitzgerald and Weissmann. And Enron, and Arthur Anderson. Multiple prosecutions of which have been overturned by the courts for malicious prosecution, manufactured perjury traps, witholding exculpatory evidence that would have proven their innocence, and shaking down defendants to take a plea bargain by stacking on excessive charges.
>>EXACTLY<< the tactics Mueller and Comey unleashed on Michael Flynn, Michael Cohen, Jerome Corsi, K.T. McFarland, George Pappadapoulos, Michael Caputo, Paul Manafort, and many more. All shaken down with the same illegal tactics. Only Cohen broke and chose to "sing and compose" the FBI's scripted allegations against Trump.

If you don't see the obvious in front of you, it's because you have partisan blinders on and you just plain refuse to see it.