Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
So what crosses the line specifically for you guys in this expose?

The fact that these women deliberately use baseless rumor and innuendo to maliciously destroy the careers of male comic book professionals, knowing what they allege is false, that there isn't a shred of evidence to support what they allege?
Loathesome, the way Alex De Campi leaked rumors to publisher Simon & Shuster, to try and stop publication of Richard Meyer's JAWBREAKERS graphic novel, that had already been sold and was about to be released.
  • Alex De Campi Okay, I found the BC [bleedingcool?] article. I'm just going to do some quiet behind the scenes stuff, pay no attention to the gal behind the curtain...

These are really mean women, and I'm not even sure what their goal is, beyond just exerting power and destroying male creators' lives, and/or maliciously destroying the lives of people they ideologically disagree with, just because they can. Or perhaps just to maliciously sideline their male competitors, to open up opportunities for them to pick up other writing contracts.