Originally Posted By: the G-man
Meanwhile Trump wishes his pedophile’s groomer friend well as she’s taken into custody.

Bill Clinton was getting neck rubs from an Epstein victim on the Lolita express and you somehow think this is a good line of attack to bring up against ...Trump?

Bill hasn’t ran for office for over 2 decades. Epstein’s buddy Trump who also flew on the Lolita express however is. I will grant you that lots of republicans don’t seem to mind Trump being a gross sleazy shit bag but I’m sure you can see the hypocrisy in play there.

Btw WB, Trump addressed his well wishes to Maxwell. The press secretary can try to put lipstick on the pig but he was clearly wishing her well. Trump has called so many women “nasty” but for his old sexual predator friend, Trump wishes her well. Maybe someone with any semblance of a soul at the WH can prepare something for Trump to read on a teleprompter where he wishes his old pedophile friend’s victims well someday?

Fair play!