Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

Isn't it interesting how around 2:30 AM last night, Trump was winning by good margins in 5 of the 6 states in contest.

By 6 AM, that was down to 4 of 6.
By 11 AM, it was down to 3 of 6.

By the oddest coincidence, in every contested state, with each new update, Biden's margin increases, and Trump's margin decreases. In every single state. That rather defies probability, doesn't it? Democrats are the unchallenged masters of rigging elections. But with Trump and his 600 lawyers, that is about to change. Republican House minority leader McCarthy said what I didd, that Trump should rightly have won with 280, before the manufactured fake ballots started pouring in. Arizona was also falsely called too soon, and that is being challenged as well.

Again, the Al Franken model of how to steal an election.

It doesn't defy probability Dave. in fact, it was repeatedly predicted. And check out Pariah's very first post on this thread - his use of the term the "red mirage". That's what we got.

Here are some Germans to explain it: https://www.dw.com/en/us-election-mail-in-voting-biden-trump/a-55433216

"About four in 10 registered voters plan to cast their ballot by mail-in voting (or have already done so), according to a Pew Research survey.

Supporters of Democratic candidate Joe Biden overwhelmingly favor mail-in voting when compared to Trump supporters.

Of the registered voters who plan to cast their ballot, 51% of Biden supporters say they will vote by mail, whereas 39% of Trump supporters said they will do the same. An estimated 50% of Trump supporters will vote in person on Election Day, whereas only 20% of Biden supporters plan to do the same."


And from USA Today, back in August: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news...ikely-vote-mail-survey-finds/3394795001/

Thirty-seven percent of registered voters said they are likely to vote by mail in the November election, by receiving a mailed ballot and either mailing it back or returning it in person, according to a new survey released Tuesday by the Democracy Fund + UCLA Nationscape project.

Among them, 48% of voters who plan to vote for Democratic presumptive nominee Joe Biden said they are likely to vote by mail, according to the survey. That's more than twice the 23% of voters backing President Donald Trump who said they are likely to vote by mail.


On election counts and recounts, its a shame the search function on this message board doesn't work anymore. Otherwise, I'd be digging up comments from each of you about Gore's outrageousness in disputing Florida's election outcome in 2000. Oh well, everyone is entitled to change their minds twenty years later.

Anyway, I think everyone should be (not necessarily will be) happy to have this settled by the Supreme Court. Trump needs to argue that Michigan's rule on a "reasonable possibility of success" in winning the election justifies a recount. I think he doesn't have much hope of that argument given the margin, but I personally wouldn't mind it for the sake of the American polity.

Oh, and look at what Fox is reporting: "The Trump campaign has filed a lawsuit to stop ballot counts in the still-undecided state of Georgia, Fox News chief White House correspondent John Roberts reported. The filing follows similar moves in Michigan and Pennsylvania." Can't think what the basis of that is. A scrutinised recount, sure. But stopping the count?

Oh, I see: "The lawsuit alleges that a Republican observer watched a poll worker take unprocessed absentee ballots from a back room and mix them into processed absentee ballots waiting to be tabulated." So this is a law suit against the county, not the entire state. That doesn't seem to be an unreasonable cause of action.

And hey, look at this!

As a progressive and feminist, I think that's great news. Of course women can be conservative, and they should properly have a place in the legislature.

But look. Dem supporters are surprised that they didn't get a landslide and want LeJoy arrested in Florida for vote tampering. GOP supporters think the election is being stolen because of voting irregularities. No one is going to be happy either way. Gore did the right thing back in 2000 by disagreeing with the Supreme Court, having further options to pursue, but standing down. Let's see if either candidate is prepared to do that here. Doubt it.

My best guess at this point? A lot of memes with Trump's face and "You're fired!" underneath them.

Pimping my site, again.
