OK, then. Lets get to the crux of your argument.

The suspicious spikes that occurred in the dark are documented for US to analyze.

Here is an analysis of that: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news...sconsin-overnight-vote-spike/6167188002/

(You'll adopt an ad hominem argument - "lens of media organizations with behind-the-scenes agendas far removed from our purview" also known as, "That's fake news". For those reading this not across Latin, "ad hominem" is the idea that you play the man not the ball. You attack the source, and not the substance of what the source is saying. It appears to be a fundamental principle for Trump supporters - "fake news!". But, let's set that aside because we plainly don't have a lot of common ground - some, but not a lot - on that.)

"We are not finding ballots," Julietta Henry, director of elections for Milwaukee County, told PolitiFact. "Ballots are being counted."

I understand that your "common sense" argument presupposes evenly split mail votes: that, statistically, as a matter of common sense, 50% should be GOP, 50% should be Dem: that is is counterintuitive beyond belief to think that the split in mail votes should so overwhelmingly favour Biden, and so that is "suspicious" or fraudulent. It doesn't pass the sniff test. That's how I understand the essence of your argument. Feel free to correct me.

But an even split isn't supported by demographics and geography. That article notes that that particular surge came from vote counts concluding in Milwaukee. Milwaukee (which I only know otherwise from Laverne and Shirley) has always been a Democrat stronghold.

Trump was ahead by 100000 votes. Then there were 170000 mail ballots. It shifted Biden's vote up by less than a percentage ahead of Trump.

You know about Occam's Razor. That, for those who don't know about it, is the idea of finding the least complicated answer to a question. Who killed Abraham Lincoln? Well, it wasn't a global 19th century Illuminati conspiracy. it was the John Wilkes Booth, with the gun, in the theatre. Occam's Razor says that's the easiest answer to the question of who killed Lincoln.

So here, why did the ballots cause the number to Biden to jump overnight? Was it crafty Democrats, operating en masse without being found out, having corrupted electoral officials, stuffing up ballot boxes, avoiding the scrutiny of GOP observers by asking them to stand a few feet away? Or is it that Milwaukee's mail votes were counted in full and reported in full? Occam's Razor says it is the latter.

And, yes, of course let there be a recount. I strongly advocate that because the process should be beyond reproach. Or at least beyond reasonable suspicion.

And, as I noted, it goes the other way. Arizona is starting to lean Trump's way because of the vagaries of the Arizona GOP, who tend to use absentee ballots. someone on Twitter has noted that GOP supporters are trying to storm counting offices in Michigan, and are publicly protesting that all absentee votes be counted in Arizona. No to the first, and of course yes to the second.

I'm not on top of the news this afternoon, but I understand Trump is talking openly about going to the Supreme Court to get counting to stop. Which, if it is that simple, doesn't seem like a respectable cause of action.

Pimping my site, again.
