
Courts continually refuse to hear cases regarding voter fraud on the premises of "standing" and the Doctrine of Laches. Evidence is ignored.

Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania legislatures demand house sessions to analyze growing body of evidence. Governors tell them to go fuck themselves.

Trump asks very specific questions of Raffensperburglergrjonf regarding wrongdoing and then leaks his own recording of the discussion via Whitehouse aid.

AOC, MEM, Sammitch, etc demand lists of Trump voters so they can toss them into camps. And they want to arrest Trump.

The runoff elections produces the same suspicious vertical spike upticks in democratic votes in the dead of night allowing them to win by JUST the right amount of votes.

Trump calls for mass demonstration in DC on the 6th to show the congress his supporter base. Whether he knew Antifa would infiltrate crowds or if he called for the crowds to show up to stymie MAGA-dressed Antifa operators--the presence of which he had foreknowledge--is a bit of a guessing game. My thinking is it was the latter since Pelosi knew the squishy corrupt congress would need a face-saving excuse to pull back on making objections to the electors and arranged to have Antifa's presence at the capitol prior to Trump calling for a protest. And thus it's easier for Pence and the GOP to betray Trump while fueling the narrative of fomenting insurrection.....and then the Airmen gets shot. Called it:

"I'm hoping I'm wrong on this one and that Trump has a trick up his sleeve to mitigate or nullify the likely friction (to put it lightly) that will ensue today and over the course of the next month or so. But there's too many factors, too many actors, and too much on the line to assume anything other than shots fired."

All media outlets, both social and televised, run with the narrative and enforce straight radio silence on all Trump supporters--even Trump himself. All under the auspices of "preventing violence." Corporations and the general elite work in tandem with these same media outlets to deplatform free speech dispensaries such as Parler, Bitchute, and Gab (see also: Dems using El Paso to shut down infinity). Anything and anyone that does not conform to the narrative is blacklisted and destroyed.

AOC, MEM, Sammitch, etc demand lists of Trump voters so they can toss them into camps. And they want to arrest Trump.

Military intelligence operations unearth the foreign source of vote tampering in Italy via personnel working for defense contractor Leonardo SpA. Mainstream ignores on account of the clear implications involving Trump's 2018 Executive Order.

Pelosi and McConnell push for impeachment and/or 25th Amendment this week. What could they possibly be afraid of that they have to push this now of all times.........

AOC, MEM, Sammitch, etc demand lists of Trump voters so they can toss them into camps. And they want to arrest Trump.

Current speculation: Trump invoked the Insurrection Act. People have made this claim, but I'm having trouble confirming it. Especially since it might be superfluous in the face of Trump already declaring a national emergency.

And of course, the people by and large are rejecting the clearly premeditated narratives because Trump has long since castrated mainstream news.

Still believe in Fait Accomplis MEM?