Originally Posted by iggy
We get it. Twenty-years or so of turning oneself into a nothing more than a bundle of political lies and hypocritical stances has left you nothing more than a human husk that jacks it to internet "babes" and nostalgia while projecting onto others your desire for something real...even if it is just real enough to beat it. That's the real win here, WB...the fact that to do what you do on a dead forum requires the kind of time and energy that a bitter failure unwilling to self-examine can commit to. You may now continue on with your sad life of internet screeds about "the liberals" and broken spam posting the same sad cry for someone to love you into a dead forum you can't even understand you played a large role in killing off. Class dismissed.

You are weirdly obsessed with me, an anonymous person on a chat forum who you know virtually nothing about.
And beyond the profanity-laden vulgarness of what you post here, you project a bitter and cynical worldview, and an anger that I find quite disturbing. You're a college professor at some junior college in North Carolina, you openly gloat about your contempt for Christians, and have openly bragged about discriminating against your Christian students... and... I'm the one you think has mental issues?
Remove the plank from your own eye, dipshit.

My political views are consistent here for over 20 years. I post here mostly to discuss the things I enjoy, particularly in the realm of comics and other entertainment. And more to detail what I passionately believe in the politics forum. I'm a Reagan-Conservative, big deal. In the more recent past, a Buchanan conservative, and emerging from 30 years of Buchanan conservatism, now a Trump conservative.
And as I cited from Jonathan Swan on the Friday after the 2016 election, offering his winner of the week on Fox's Special Report with Brett Baier : "Trump won the election on the issues that Pat Buchanan has been championing for over 25 years [securing the border, stopping illegal immigration, restoring U.S. national sovereignty and economic independence, ending the push toward U.S. submission to globalism, making the U.S. oil independent and no longer dependent on O.PE.C., incentivizing the return of jobs and factories to the U.S., ending involvement in unnecessary foreign wars that have been draining our economy for decades]. So a Trump presidency is the next best thing to a Pat Buchanan presidency."
Or at least it was while it lasted, and I hope for its return in 2024. As do 74.3 million Trump voters, and probably tens of millions more experiencing Biden buyer-remorse now.