
Ingraham: What The Democrats are planning next

Detailing the latest trillion-dollar legislation by Democrats, part of which "green energy" push subsidizes purchase of electric vehicles [EV's], and funds tens of billions in taxpayer dollars for EV refueling stations nationwide. This is the latest Solyndra, doomed to failure, and an enormous waste of billions, if not trillions, of tax dollars.
That endangers and de-funds an existing fossil-fuel energy national infrastructure in the U.S. that ACTUALLY WORKS.

Ingraham cites that electricity is generated using oil, natural gas, and coal on giant turbines.
So it's completely delusional that electricity is somehow more "green". It's created with fossil fuel.

The TRUE purpose of "green energy" is to skyrocket the price of energy, to limit affordability of personal inexpensive transportation. To eliminate personal freedom and limit mobility of the public, restricting them to public transportation so an authoritarian Leftist/Marxist government can restrict their movements. It's not about environmental preservation, it's about Leftist/Statist government control of the population.

Further, these electric vehicles (EV's) average about $52,000 per vehicle, so even with a $4,500 purchase credit, very few people can afford them.
And "EV recharging stations" are oddly placed nationwide in poor inner-city areas, despite that the poor in these areas clearly can't afford these vehicles and won't be driving them. And sure won't be refueling them in these urban EV recharging stations.
So they'll cost a fortune, and just end up rotting and being vandalized by the poor in these neighborhoods who have absolutely no use for them, and resent the people who do.
Your tax dollars at work, hosed away by Democrats. Building back broke.