
Trump had another rally speech last night in Florence, South Carolina (Saturday, March 12 2022, from roughly 7PM to 8)

I missed the opening minutes before I arrived home, and looked for it online in a DuckDuckGo search.
There are literally dozens of links to the full video of it posted on Youtube, but every one of them you click on has a blank screen that says: "Deleted by the uploader" (i.e., deleted by Youtube, censored, suppressed).

I went to Bitchute, and did a search for "Trump rally South Carolina" and easily found this:

So... why doesn't it show up in the DuckDuckGo search engine ?
It looks like not only Google, but also DuckDuckGo has now turned to censorship of conservative news and Trump coverage. I've noticed this on multiple DuckDuckGo searches on various subjects in recent months. Only if I go diectly to Breitbart.com or Townhall.com, or Fox News or Newsmax, or DailyCaller or any number of conservative news sites and search directly on their site, will I find what I'm looking for, that DOESN'T show up in a search engine.

That is Orwellian censorship of information from public view, to indocrinate the masses with a pre-selected false narrative, to the exclusion of all other information.

Even as they promote a PROVEN false narrative on any number of issues. I realized recently that the mainstream media daily reinforces narratives on a number of fronts, that have already been verified as completely false.

Such as:

1) The false narrative that Covid-19 could NOT have emerged from a Wuhan lab. That it's "tin-foil hat conspiracy theory" to even ask the question. Despite that's where multiple leading virologists say the evidence clearly leads. Including the FOIA'd and published private e-mails exchanged with Antony Fauci by these same scientists, saying precisely that to Fauci himself. These e-mails also reveal the false narrative Fauci created, and Fauci thanking some of these scientists for helping create this false narrative of the wet-market origin of the virus. But Facebook and Twiiter still block the posts of doctors, scientists and journalists who publish this evidence on their social media sites.

2) The false narrative that PPE masks prevent Covid-19. No, they clearly don't. But again, Fauci was early on initially saying it's silly to use PPE masks, then he flipped in May 2020 and admitted he lied to prevent the public from buying up all PPE , that would have left hospitals in short supply. And then Fauci suddenly flipped again, and mandated that everyone in the country suddenly >> had << to wear them. A recent Johns Hopkins study of 20 countries, including the U.S., showed that masks in nations worldwide were 0.2% effective, at best ! But many businesses still mandate they must be used, and criticizing masks as ineffective will still get a person's posts deleted from Facebook, Twitter and other sites. I saw a doctor who posted criticism in the last month interviewed on Fox, after his professional medical posts were deleted.

3) The false narrative that vaccination prevents Covid-19.
In truth, even if vaccinated, one can still get Covid. And can still infect others with Covid.
But again, posts on Facebook and Twitter saying this, even by doctors, are blocked and deleted.

4) The false narrative that there is no evidence the November 3 2020 election was rigged.
There is tons of evidence at this point, suppressed by the mainstream media and social media, and search engines.

5) The false narrative that there was an "insurrection" by Trump supporters on Jan 6 2021.
Of the over 100,000 who peacefully protested, only 600 entered the Capitol, and of those only about 60 were charged with vandalism or violence. At least 20 of those 60 were John Earle Sullivan and his Antifa group, all self-identified in their "Jayden X" videos posted all over the internet, openly boasting they were only dressed as Trump supporters, to frame Trumpers for their own (Antifa) bad acts.
And another "at least 20" of those 60 were "un-indicted co-conspirator" FBI agents, according to the FBI's own investigation reports of Jan 6th events. Ray Epps and others clearly identified but not charged by the FBI. Jill Sanborn, assistant FBI director of counter-terrorism, leading the investigation, refused to discuss Ray Epps, or whether FBI agents were present on Jan 6th, refused to answer if these FBI agents either led, instigated or participated in violence. Because that would incriminate the FBI to answer.
So again, if at least 40 of that 60, a clear majority, were agents of FBI and Antifa, there to frame Trump supporters, it clearly is not Trump supporters who led or orchestrated events of Jan 6th, at most only included a few duped Trump supporters. But print and broadcast media and social media still front that lying narrative, and suppress evidence that Trump supporters were framed, and supress evidence Trump supporters are being maliciously prosecuted by DOJ/FBI.

6) Similarly, the false narrative of a "right-wing white supremacist" plot to kidnap Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer, manufactured, led and orchestrated by the FBI. A majority of the conspirators, now numbering 12 identified FBI informants and agents revealed, including the kidnap planner and the van driver, ARE FBI AGENTS. The others indicted were dupes who were tricked into minimal participation, by a "97% Democrat-donating FBI, a KGB army of Peter Strzoks and Lisa Pages, manufacturing a Democrat narrative, just to support their fake menace of an "extremist white nationalism" threat to the country. The exculpatory evidence reported in conservative media, but suppressed by mainstream liberal media and social media.

7) the "Russia Hoax" Democrat narrative, that Trump colluded with the Russians to rig and win the 2016 election. Despite the narrative having been fully investigated and disproven as completely false, reporters at the New York Times and Washington Post still keep their Pulitzer prizes for a false narrative, for reporting that has been proven to be absolutely not true. But the false narratives remain unchallenged on Facebook and Twitter. While Trump, who was wronged, is still blocked from posting or responding with any challenge to that false narrative.

And more, but you get the point.

Such as multiple narratives coming out of the Ukraine invasion over the last few weeks, that have already been proven to be false. But they still are continued in broadcast and social media, as if they were true.
OAN cited multiple false reports:

All of these false narratives have been out there for months, reinforced day after day with reports in mainstream media and social media, despite the clear untruths exposed. And any attempts to reveal the facts contradicting these narratives suppressed and buried, user accounts frozen or deleted, even the account of the New York Post detailing the facts that authenticated Hunter Biden's laptop and e-mails, right before the election.
How are these narratives any different from the propaganda broadcast in Russia, China, North Korea or Iran?
And did you ever imagine, even just a few years ago, this would ever happen in the United States?