
Tucker Carlson: You should be worried about this...

U.S. government leaders, taking Zelensky's Ukraine government use of a Russian invasion as a pretext to shut down all political and media opposition, and calling that "the ultimate example of Democracy".
Both Democrat and Republican leaders !

Because THEY would like to do the same to consolidate absolute power in their own countries. And have to a large extent already.
In the last 2 years of Covid-19 lockdown policies ,and increasingly in recent months, we've seen growing over-reaches by "democracies" worldwide. From the U.S., to Germany, to Austria, to Belgium, to Australia, New Zealand and Canada. That while all these nations are still touted as democracies, they increasingly exert authoritarian power to suppress protest and dissent, in ways more like those of communist China, or... well... Ukraine.

While still self-congratulating themselves as democracies, while condemning authoritarian abuses and human rights abuses in China or Russia, many of these nations, the U.S. included, have increasingly emulated these authoritarian tactics. In the last few months, I've seen corporate CEO's like the head of Disney, and Bill Gates, express their admiration for the China government's ability to "get things done more efficiently" than messy inefficient democracies.
Well, they "get things done" through intimidation and exertion of absolute power. And more so the Democrats, but also many establishment Republicans, are pushing to sidestep Constitutional rule of law in the U.S.
And similarly in other "free" nations, by sidestepping democracy and exerting a similar absolute authoritarian power.
It's terrifying that the elites in our own nations admire and emulate the authoritarian over-reach of the Chinese Communist Party, and increasingly exert the same powers in western nations.

On a side note, castrating captured Russian POW's... wow...