"The TRUE purpose of "green energy" is to skyrocket the price of energy, to limit affordability of personal inexpensive transportation. To eliminate personal freedom and limit mobility of the public, restricting them to public transportation so an authoritarian Leftist/Marxist government can restrict their movements. It's not about environmental preservation, it's about Leftist/Statist government control of the population."

OK. I am Che Dave, an authoritarian Leftist out to seize control of government and crush white Christian American values and my agenda is to "inhibit mobility of the public" in furtherance of the elimination of a personal freedom.

Aren't I just better off taxing the crap out of cars and creating road toll everywhere? After all, even e-cars will enable my subdued population to move about. I should also cause the cost of getting a driver's license to skyrocket.

That way, I keep the energy sector alive and tax the crap out of it, too, to better fund my communist, Godless agenda.

Pimping my site, again.
