Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
[Linked Image from mlpnk72yciwc.i.optimole.com]

A Spider-woman pin-up by Milo Manara that made me laugh.

More representative of Manara's work than the character portrayed.
Hey, what's not to like?


Man... 80 years of "good girl art" in comics, and THIS is what upsets the woke crowd ?
It just seems like a very contrived and made-up controversy. The initial image I posted from Bleeding Cool is at least temporarily down, but you can still view a smaller version of it in the new link, with some context that it was drawn by Manara to oppose censorship. The initial Spider-woman variant cover (that got a small vocal group of "woke" nutcases upset) is ridiculously tame. And even the second "Cho !" one Manara gave to Frank Cho in person, to promote opposition to censorship, is still playfully suggestive and nothing to get upset about.

The Marvel-commissioned and published variant SPIDER-WOMAN cover in question, from 2014 :

[Linked Image from 1.bp.blogspot.com]

And Frank Cho, with the anti-censorship page handed to him by Milo Manara, during Cho's convention-room censorship discussion:

[Linked Image from giornalepop.it]