Originally Posted by Wonder Boy, Nov 15 2016
The liberal nightmare of Trump's America:

[Linked Image from pbs.twimg.com]

The Nazi theme is rampant among liberal cartoonists on the subject of Trump. But then, so was the W. Bush/Nazi theme 10 years ago.
These cartoonists seem oblivious to the fact that it is the Democrats who weaponized FBI, ATF, EPA, OSHA, IRS and other federal agencies
against their conservative opponents (Catherine Englebrecht/True The Vote, Frank Vandersloot, EPA/Gibson guitars...)
Somehow that never makes a blip on their radar.

Man, what a difference a few years makes...

The weaponization of federal agencies by the Democrat-Bolsheviks against their political opponents is even more clear 4, 5 and 6 years later under the Biden puppet regime.

And all the liberal media fear-mongering about Trump being Hitler was shown to be absolutely untrue. Far from oppressed or racially profiled, every minority group under Trump's four years saw lower unemployment than any time in history, saw higher wages, higher home-ownership.

It is Biden and the Democrats who prove to have Nazi-like hate of any who disagree with them, and to demonize Republicans, and even moderate Democrats like Tulsi Gabbard or Alan Dershowiz, as traitors and enemies of the state who need to be purged, removed and shunned.

FBI raids on Mar A Lago and on any Trump officials and grassroots supporters, especially in the weeks right after the Mar A Lago raid. Fascist state terror, pure and simple.

87,000 new IRS agents in Democrat legislation rammed through, to audit, intimidate and harass their enemies.

Fire-bombing pro-life centers and Republican leaders' offices.

And a steady stream of attacks on Trump supporters, averaging roughly one attack a day, for years.

The indefinite imprisonment, under the most inhumane conditions, of 1,300 trespassers (at most) at the Capitol on January 6th. That is increasingly shown to have been orchestrated by a Democrat-weaponized FBI, by senior FBI staff who also faked the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping, and then when exposed, instead of fired, were put in charge of staging Jan 6th riots, and then the Mar A Lago raid.
The 1,300 people who virtually all did absolutely nothing wrong, who for 20 months have been treated worse than Al Qaida prisoners, worse than murderers, worse than violent Antifa and BLM members, all the rest of whom the Democrat-Bolsheviks immediately released. While Trump supporters from Jan 6th are not even given clean drinking water, and are daily psychologically tortured, isolated and often not even given visitation with attorneys, driven to suicide, and often beaten by prison guards who are rabid Democrats, as revealed by their social media posts.

And further statements by Democrat leaders (Democrat Tim Ryan a few days ago talking about a need to "crush the MAGA movement") inciting violence against Republicans,.
And NO DEMOCRAT leader dissenting or calling for toning down that rhetoric, not one. Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Cory Booker, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris... every Democrat.

Nicolle Wallace live on MSNBC calling for Biden to do a drone strike on Mar A Lago and kill Trump.
Calls by Rep. A O-C and others to compile blacklists to prevent former Trump officials from being able to find a job after serving in the Trump White House.
Former Bill Clinton official Robert Reich calling for Soviet-style televised public confessions of former Trump officials.
New York Times writer Jennifer Rubin saying "The Republican party needs to be destroyed so completely it can never come back." Clearly a sentiment shared by many fanatical Democrat agents in the DOJ and FBI.

6 years later, it's very clear who the authoritarian Nazis truly are. And those fascist banners should all have a big "D" for Democrat.

Looking back over this topic, I'd also forgotten how the liberal media had tried to suppress and hold back the news of a Trump election victory in Nov 2016. And to call Trump "illegitimate" and undermine him every step of the way for 4 years, about 100 elected Democrats who refused to attend Trump's Jan 2017 inauguration. Government officials who undermined Trump for 4 years even within the halls of the DOJ, FBI, CIA, National Security Council, and within the deep-state infested sieve-leaking halls of the White House itself.

The Democrats are as much talented liars as they are vicious authoritarians. They have a genuine talent for false narrative and misdirection. And for portraying themselves as the victims, when they are truly the aggressors.
That is more clear to millions of American voters than it was just 21 months ago. The Democrats have shown their hand, and THEY are the true Nazis they allege Trump and the right to be.