Originally Posted by iggy
Breitbart... ::eye roll::

Originally Posted by Iggy
panic Any news sources that don't align with Politico, Washington Post, News York Times, CNN and other liberal media is EEEEVIIIILLL and have to be discredited. panic

Yeah, it makes perfect sense that you can diversify your political perspective by only reading mainstream liberal sources. rolleyes
Especially liberal mainstream sources that have abundantly proven their bias and deliberately gotten it wrong so many times, openly stated their political zeal for one side, and been forced to retract stories and fire reporters so many times, from coverage of Occupy Wall Street, on up through Trump's campaign and presidency, and the last two years, embarassingly propping up the nation-destroying Democrat-Bolsheviks and a failing Joe Biden. That the liberal media you adore portrays as if it were manna from heaven.

These are the guys you trust to give you news and the facts, as you ironically demonize Breitbart.