
After DirectTV de-platformed OAN from its cable network in May 2022, it just did the same to Newsmax about 2 weeks ago.

Despite the best spin of this from liberal Yahoo News...

Newsmax claims Direct TV pays "22 liberal news channels --that's not true

...no one with the slightest common sense would dispute that the 22 networks listed by Newsmax as faavored lower rated liberal channels, ARE, in fact liberal-biased media channels, whether or not they are technically "news" channels.
Comedy network for example, is a channel where a lot of under-40 people go for news and current events, going back to the days of Jon Stewart's daily show (and what a lunatic John Stewart has revealed himself to be in recent years). While not technically "news", many low-information voters regard it as a news source.

And as I've said often ABC, CBS, NBC, and PBS are likewise liberal-left, and hyper-partisanly so. Reporters have self-identified for 50 years at a ratio of at least 80% as "liberal" and "Very liberal". Across the board. I quote often MRC.org, BIAS by Bernard Goldberg, LEFT TURN by Tim Groseclose, and extensive Pew Research data from the 2008 presidential election (showing that Fox news is the only network that was truly balanced in both positive and negative stories about the 2 candidates, and could only be spun as "right leaning" relative to the extremely left tilt of all the other mainstream liberal networks, that all were overwhelmingly biased for the Democrats and Obama in their coverage.

There's also the lawsuit I linked earlier by OAN against Direct TV and A T & T, that cites executives who are Democrat operatives, who have openly stated their intent to de-platform and eliminate conservative news networks from cable television, so there is no balancing news to break the wall of Democrat propaganda. While this does not eleiminate Newsmax, it overnight slashes their viewership by 13 million nationwide, and marginalizes Newsmax's influence.
Despite liberal Yahoo News' spin, that is just a fact. They have taken out and marginalized the two smaller consservative networks, and now they want to eliminate Fox.