Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Have you read up on conservatives killing, beating and intimidating others they disagree with?
“ Numbers for right-wing extremist violence are far higher, with numerous high-profile terrorist attacks as well as lower-level assaults, vandalism, and other forms of violence. Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, far-right extremists have killed 130 people in the United States, more than any other political cause, including jihadists.7 Notable attacks in recent years include the 2018 Pittsburgh Synagogue attack, the 2019 El Paso mall killings, and the 2022 Buffalo market attack. A range of far-right extremists, including organized groups such as the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers as well as hundreds of unaffiliated conspiracy theorists, anti-government extremists, and ordinary supporters of President Trump, also stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, in a direct assault on American democracy. Far-right extremist violence has not abated: earlier this month, on May 6, 2023, an apparent neo-Nazi with misogynist leanings shot up a Texas mall, killing eight people.”
Countering organized violence in the US

This type of violence isn’t acceptable no matter the side doing it.

That's, of course, a liberal propaganda spin of the truth, whipped up by a liberal media, and the collaborative 97% Democrat-donating FBI and DOJ, who are manipulating the statistics to to whip up a fake "white supremacist" threat (i.e., a fake label for peaceful Republican conservatives, peaceful religious conservatives, peaceful (mostly Christian) pro-life activists, peaceful Trump supporters, and other perceived enemies, to be polarized, isolated and demonized by the Democrat Left and its agents in the federal government.

The 2019 El Paso Mall attack is a perfect example. The kid who did the attack was a HISPANIC immigrant, completely independent of any white supremacist group, who was borderline insane and acting on some very weird ideas about environmentalism and population control. It's SUCH a lie to say this hispanic kid was a "white supremacist".
Wikipedia's carefully worded spin : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_El_Paso_shooting

And as I said at the time, in more full context :

The "partisan talking heads" you "refuse to watch" is Tucker Carlson, who in addition to hosting one of the most popular shows on ALL of cable television, not just among the most popular on Fox News.
In addition he runs the news site The Daily Caller.
He reports facts and interviews journalists and authors presenting information, you can't just dismiss all that as "partisan". Far more factual, I might add, than the namecalling, insults and bumper-sticker slogans on CNN or MSNBC. I'm hard pressed to find "news" anymore on those two channels, just pure partisan demagoguery and unbridled Trump-hate.

Regarding Tucker Carlson's alleged " 'white supremacy is a hoax' garbage", there was nothing Carlson made up. It is a fact that the El Paso shooter made clear in his manifesto that his racist/environmentalist ideology was formed long before Trump was even a candidate, let alone became president. The El Paso shooter was motivated by some kind of weird environmentalism, that he wanted to stop ALL immigration to the U.S., not just illegal immigration, or hispanic immigration. His ideas are completely independent of Trump, but the liberal media and liberal partisans like yourself desperately reach to allege Trump's rhetoric had something to do with it.

What did Trump say that inspired this attack? SPECIFICALLY.
You can't quote one sentence to support that. Because it doesn't exist.
As compared to the Spokane, Washington attack on an ICE facility a month ago, where the Antifa shooter used specific words and phrases that were directly taken from Democrat Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, and other Democrat leaders. Yet I never hear the clowns of the Left blame Democrat rhetoric for clearly inspiring liberal violence.

What Trump has actually said is:
1) that we have to secure our borders and control immigration into this country.
2) That we want and need immigration to fill the jobs as our economy has improved under his policies.
But that they have to come in the right way, LEGALLY, and that this uncontrolled illegal migration has to stop.

3) That among illegals, many criminals are entering our country: drug traffickers, human traffickers, gang members, violent criminals, rapists, murderers, drunk drivers, who victimize thousands of U.S. citizens and LEGAL immigrants annually. That Mexico is the largest source of illegal immigrants (59%), and the Central American nations the next largest (15%). In fact, Latin American nations combined are over 81% of all illegal immigrants. That is not demagoguery, those are facts. Which Trump has cited. And he welcomes and considers valuable those who come LEGALLY.

4) Trump does not engage in hate speech "against all hispanics". He only condemns those (race unspecified) who enter our country illegally.

5) He does not in any way spread or endorse, or have any connection to, white supremacist or white racist rhetoric. That only exists in the vicious insinuations of the Democrat/Left. In point of fact, Trump has repeatedly condemned white nationalism and white racist ideology and violence. The worst Democrat misquote of Trump, where he said of Charlottesville, VA protestors, "There are good people on both sides", Trump was referring to 2,000 people there protesting just to keep the Robert E. Lee statue by the city hall, the good people who asked the 200 to 300 white supremacists to leave. But public statements by Democrat leaders and the liberal media lyingly imply that all in favor of the Lee statue were white supremacists, rather than a small minority.

6) Trump has cited correctly that the women and children who come in illegally are raped and abused at an enormous rate. The most conservative estimate, quoted by ICE official Tom Homan and others in ICE and Border Patrol, is 31% of illegals trafficked are raped. As I have linked and sourced in the Soros-funded caravan topic, many human rights groups (leftist groups) have estimates far higher, in the range of 60 to 80% raped while crossing illegally.
Is it more humane to let these illegals in, and encourage this abuse of hundreds of thousands of trafficked women to continue?
Or is it more humane to stop it, and end the rapes?

7) In addition to that, illegal human trafficking enriches the Mexican drug cartels who control that trafficking, and the Mexican cartels now make a third of their profits off human trafficking. Billions in the coffers of drug cartels.

8) In addition to that, the masses illegally entering our country (at least 2,000 a day surrendering to Border Patrol, and God knows how many thousands more who slip in undetected) are carrying diseases and infecting U.S. citizens with diseases like Tuberculososis, Mumps, Measles, Typhoid, new strains of flu, flesh eating bacteria, and AIDS/HIV, among others. Diseases wiped out decades ago in the U.S. that are now each epidemic in over 20 states.

9) In addition to that, an increasing number of illegals are categorized by Border Patrol as "Other Than Mexican(OTM)" and present an increasing islamic terror threat, being trafficked from the mid East and Africa, and could contain ISIS or Al Qaida cels, or with the current outbreak in Africa, either by random infection or deliberately weaponized, Ebola.

There is no "propaganda" or "racist/white supremacist" hatred in Trump discussing these things. The President, the Center For Disease Control, ICE, Border Patrol, and Department of Homeland Security are simply citing the known facts. That Democrats and the liberal media try to pretend don't exist.

Most of the violence done by white supremacists is done by white nationalist prison gangs, and is done in drug turf wars, revenge killings of members of their own gangs or competing white gangs.
As I;ve said prior, among the Ku Klux Klan, in a nation that now has about 330 million people, the Klan is believed to have at most 5,000 members nationwide (the 8,000 number is new, that I highly doubt, as it is just an "estimate" from the highly unreliable Southern Policy Law Center, that labels others as "hate groups" , but SPLC is in fact itself a hate group, slandering others, and those others are all their conservative opposition, very conveniently. )

I'd also point out that the Democrat/Leftist fanatics on your side similarly labelled George Zimmerman a "white supremacist" (he was in fact a hispanic, black and Jewish immigrant, who tutored black kids and a Democrat who voted for Barack Obama !)
And your side has similarly labelled just about every leftist Democrat shooter in the last 12 years or so a "white supremacist" or "white nationalist", and within a day or two your side is consistently proven wrong with eeach shooting.
The Pulse Night Club shooting at a gay club in Orlando, FL, was likewise labelled a "white supremacist" shooting, and again, it turned out to be a Muslim immigrant, not white.

So... what you're saying is once again propaganda whipped up by the Left, not even fact.
I recall one discussion we had, you dramatically alleged that "White supremacist violence" had risen by 50% in one year. I did some goggle searching (I still used Google back then) and it turned out there had been 2 white supremacist killings in the previous year. and the new year had 3 deaths. THAT was your dramatic 50% rise in white supremacist killings.
Propaganda and total horseshit.