
I saw The Adams Family movie was on several times across multiple channels, and while I thought it was well done, I didn't watch it again. But I hought it was a well-done movie, and have previously seen it a few times.

The sequel to it, Addams Family Values was also atmospheric and fun, about equally good.

I love the original series, growing up I loved it. Bu as an adult, I actually prefer The Munsters series, which I got on a series DVD right before Halloween one year, close to 20 years ago. Beatniks, a haunted house, surf music, and a ton of other 1960's nostalgia in this series. Love the hot-rod hearse family car, and the show's groovin' opening credits and theme song.
The Munsters and the Addams Family are similarly themed shows, each great in its own way.

While Fred Gwynne will forever be Herman Munster, I also get a kick out of seeing him in a much different role decades later as the court judge in My Cousin Vinny.