Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
More from Wikipedia…” Patrick Wood Crusius (born July 27, 1998) was arrested shortly after the shooting and charged with capital murder.[43][44][45] A 21-year-old white male,[46][47][48] he was last known to have lived in his family's home in Allen, Texas, in the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex,[17][42][49] approximately 650 miles (1,050 km) from El Paso.[50] He graduated in 2017 from Plano Senior High School, and was enrolled at Collin College from 2017 until spring 2019.[50]

Crusius legally purchased a GP WASR-10 semiautomatic rifle and 1,000 rounds of hollow-point ammunition online in June 2019.[3][51] During his first interrogation, he told detectives he had targeted Mexicans, according to an arrest warrant affidavit.[52][53][54][55][47] Crusius was also diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder.[56]

Crusius registered to vote in 2016 as a Republican and had a Twitter account from 2017 that showed a photo of Trump in the Oval Office. He also had a pro-Trump poll that included responses such as "#BuildTheWall, #NoSanctuaryCities, #KeepGitmoOpen and #BanSyrianRefugees".[57]”

He posted his manifesto on 8chan, we all know that’s a hot bed for liberals

That's some major non-sequitur logic.
That's like saying because Crusius has a dog and Trump has a dog, they are ideologically aligned.

What kind of guns he has or what kind of ammunition he purchased doesn't make him a Trump supporter, or motivated to violence by Trump.

I am one of 74.3 million people who voted for Trump in 2020 ( according to official numbers. I believe it was far more, and that official count was manipulated and rigged by the Democrats.)
Total B.S. on your part.

And where exactly did Trump .>>>>EVER<<<<<<<< say we should become mass shooters and kill all Mexican immigrants?
Trump only said we should control our borders, and only allow in immigrants the LEGAL way, so we only allow in people who are vetted, good hardworking non-criminal immigrants who will assimilate, and not become welfare dependents or terrorists, and prey on Americans and fleece our system. Which by the way, has been border security policy as long as we've existed as a country. Up until Obama and Biden.

As you are obviously ignorant of, for the last 2 decades, we let in 1.2 million LEGAL green-card immigrants annually into the country.
Under alleged "white racist genocide advocate" Trump, he was SO RACIST that ... he actually increased LEGAL immigration to 1.5 million legal green-card immigrants a year.
Wow. What a racist, what a xenophobe.
He's SO RACIST, that for 50 years, long before other companies were doing it, Trump's real estate construction company was promoting women and minorities to high-level executive positions.
Trump is SO HOMOPHOBIC that... he is the first president to openly support gays without equivocation. That he made Rick Grennell the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. , then ambassador to Germany, and then the temporary Director of National Intelligence.
I might add that Trump is far more pro-gay than myself.
I don't hate gays, I have gay friends, gay co-workers and gay family members I am friendly with. I just disagree with their views and think, based on considerable evidence, that they are wrong on that issue, and that being gay is ultimately hurting them and others.

For 20 years here on RKMB, I've believed you are a nice and sincere person, M E M, who I disagree with politically, but I've thought despite our disagreements, are still a nice person.
But NOW...
I think your party's rhetoric is leading you off the deep end, into some mean-spirited VICIOUS fanaticism. The kind of demagoguery that makes people murder their neighbors in a Kristallnacht type event, a Leninist revolution, a Stalin-type Ukranianian holodomor.
A Maoist type revolution where they round up and eviscerate the demonized scapegoated undeserving Chinese landlords with spears.
That's where your rhetoric is headed.

When you say garbage like this, linking this random schizophrenic environmentalist shooter nut to Trump, it is such a vicious lie about Trump and his supporters, that I can only presume you are DELIBERATELY fronting an egregiously vicious untruth, and that you are not the nice person you seem to be, but a vicious liar, as vicious as the worst fanatics in your party, to deliberately slander Trump and his supporters as either advocating mass murder, or actually BEING mass murderers.
You know who hates and demonizes a group of people that much, the way you are? MASS MURDERERS. Or leadership trying to incite mass murder, for their own Jacobinist /Marxist /Democrat-Bolshevik ends.

RE-READ WHAT I SOURCED AND LINKED ABOVE, that details what Crusius said and believed, in his own words.

While he targeted Mexicans, he did so for ecological reasons, not "white supremacist" reasons. He didn't care what race the Mexican immigrants were, he cared what they believed ideologically, and that mass waves of immigrants would further environmentally damage the United States. That is what Crusius believed, sourced and cited from his own writings. . And it is clear he is not a Republican, but considers the Republicans a grain of sand less destructive to his environmental utopia than than the Democrats.
And again, THE SHOOTER HIMSELF IS HISPANIC. This isn't about race, it's about environmentalist ideology, and an obsessive schizophrenic worldview.

You seem to daily follow political issues, perhaps honestly misinformed and a dupe of Leftist propaganda (you seem to go to sources that spoon feed you the most radical leftist/Democrat talking points narrative, rather than actual facts).
If you are NOT just a dupe of Democrat propaganda, then you HAVE TO know you are engaging in vicious slander and mischaracterization of Trump and his supporters. In which case, you are deliberately slandering Trump and his supporters just to hurt them politically.
In which case you are one in spirit with the Kristallnacht killers of the Jews, and one with the Leninists and Maoists who stabbed the scapegoated and demonized "Kulacs" to death. Vive Le revolucion !, right, M E M?