Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
The Texas shooter in a racist Walma...on. Here’s what to know about the case

“EL PASO, Texas (AP) — A WHITE Texas gunman who killed 23 people at a Walmart in 2019 returned to court Wednesday for sentencing in a mass shooting that targeted Hispanic shoppers in the border city of El Paso.“

“ The son of a licensed therapist and nurse, Crusius had been enrolled as a student at Collin College, near Dallas, and had no criminal convictions before the shooting. On social media, Crusius appeared consumed by the nation’s immigration debate, tweeting #BuildtheWall and posts that praised then-President Donald Trump’s hardline border policies.

His views went further in a document posted to an online message board about 20 minutes before the massacre in which he said the shooting was “in response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas.”

In American politics, Republicans continue to use the word “invasion” to describe migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border, waving off critics who say the rhetoric fuels anti-immigrant views and violence.”

You just made up his race to suit your false narrative WB. Do keep try to shill though. Again you present the partisan spin that leaves out that he was a Trump supporter and you both share the same voter replacement theory from the far right.

Democrats have openly boasted of immigration policy that is demographically changing the U.S. from white majority to white minority, because non-whites vote overwhelmingly Democrat. Democrats gloat that this will give them a permanent unbeatable political majority in elections. They openly boast about it.
And then Democrats portray Republicans who criticize the clear and obvious plan that DEMOCRATS gloat about, as Republicans being "racist" and "paranoid". Well, that clearly is the Democrat plan, that Democrats openly plan and acknowledge.
And if it is the demonstrated real plan, it is neiiher racist nor paranoid for Republicans to point out those FACTS.

Associated Press = centerpiece of the liberal media.
As are New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, on down. At least 80% of the mainstream media, in over 50 years of polls.

These are the same media sources who propped up the false narratives surrounding George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin (Zimmerman portrayed as right wing racist, he was actually a registered Democrat who voted for Obama, who is partially hispanic, Jewish and black, who volunteered to tutor black kids).
The same Orwellian liberal media who told us the Sandy Hook school shooting was done by a "right wing" shooter (he was a liberal/leftist Democrat).
The same Orwellian liberal media who told us the Aurora Colorado movie theatre shooter was a right wing Tea Party member (he was revealed to be another leftist Democrat).
The same Orwellian liberal media who told us that Rep. Gabby Giffords' shooter was a right wing Tea Party member (Jared Loughner was revealed to be another "left wing pothead".)

The same Orwellian liberal media who told us George Floyd was a black guy killed by a racist cop (George Floyd was actually a violent career criminal , who had many times been convicted of robberies and home invasions, and doing so to feed his lifelong drug addiction. Who took Fentanyl right before the police arrived, and was overdosing when police arrived, and whose autopsy --BOTH autopsies--- showed Floyd had about twice the fatal dosage of Fentanyl in his bloodstream at the time of his death.)
All the subject of a just released documentary on the subject:

Ferguson, Missouri: Same thing, another false media narrative about a PROVEN innocent police officer, Darren Wilson.
Many other examples, those are just the ones I can recall offhand.

In EACH CASE, the liberal Democrat-aligned propagandist media DELIBERATELY got the story wrong, to aid Democrats politically, to slander and undermine support of Republicans, to reinforce a false narrative whose ideology those in the media reporting it share, even when that narrative is PROVEN to be false, often KNOWN BEFORE IT WAS EVEN FIRST REPORTED to be false.

As I've cited sourced examples proving that REPEATEDLY:
Slanted Journalism and the 2020 Election - Sharyl Attkisson

Citing stories PROVEN to be false, by news agencies DELIBERATELY propping up a false narrative, because their journalists, producers, editors and publishers maliciously want that false narrative propped up, across the entire mainstream news media, collaborating together, and also collaborating with Democrat political leaders (for example, with Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign, a newspaper quietly e-mailing the Clinon campaign, giving Clinton the option to review a story, and the option to spike it, if she felt it was too damaging to her campaign.
Another exaample: the "Journo-list" online discussion group of national reporters, brainstorming how to destroy Sarah Palin and John McCain, and also how to destroy and marginalize Bernie Sanders to clear the way for Hillary Clinton's DNC nominaion. On and on.

And you hold up these liars as "proof" ? Don't make me laugh.

M E M, you are clearly a hardcore partisan Democrat, and over and over in the last 20 years here on RKMB, you always prop up whatever the Democrats' false narrative is, on any given day, month after month, year after year.
You always find a way to rationalize away inconvenient facts and toss them into a dismissive category, when they don't fit your lying Democrat narrative.
Sometimes I think you'e just a Democrat true believer and you are just honestly misled by your party and liberal media's narrative.
And often I'm sure that you MUST know it is a false narrative, and you are deliberately slandering Republicans, with a false narrative that you KNOW to be untrue, just because it benefits your party.

That is the full context of the liberal media fronting that Patrick Crusius is "white" or "white racist" or "white supremacist", when I have cited Crusius' sourced online posts and manifesto to prove otherwise.
AND full context of your vicious attempt to blame Republicans or Trump for what the shooter himself said are his own ideas that Trump had no part in creating, no part in motivating Patrick Crusius' shooting in El Paso.