Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
So in your mind the media is lying when they state the shooter’s race as being white? I’ve read the whole crazy manifesto that your partisan source doesn’t talk about. You share the same far right voter replacement conspiracy. I’ve sourced and linked it all. Registered as a republican and a Trump supporter. Like you he talked about fake news in his crazy manifesto.

Hey, M E M:
THE ENTIRE DEMOCRAT PARTY OPENLY BOASTS about "replacement theory". Isn't that amazing, how your party has boasted about importing third-world immigrants for 30 years, to create a permanent Democrat majority.
But when any Republican-conservative points out what your party has OPENLY STATED is their victory plan, suddenly the narrative is flipped by the Democrat-Bolsheviks, so that Republicans are the alleged racists.
And it's not a "replacement conspiracy" when your party openly brags about it.

It's also the shared plan of Mexican government, as Pat Buchanan details in his 2006 book STATE OF EMERGENCY on the border crisis, that the Mexican government (and pro-Mexicaan groups in the U.S., with chapters in universities and high schools nationwide) call it "La Reconquista", a way for Mexicans to take back the entire U.S. Southwest territory, through the overwhelming demographics of Mexican/hispanic immigration.


When California overwhelmingly passed a law to deny benefits and sanctuary to illegals, and it was overturned and neutralized by an appellate court, a Democrat-leftist hispanic professor gloatingly called it "the dying last gasp of white America".


And like I said, over and over for at least 15 years, with every shooting or racial incident, from Trayvon Martin to Michael Brown to Adam Lanza, to Jared Loughner, to George Floyd, on and on, the mainstream media have CONSISTENTLY gotten the facts wrong, DELIBERATELY gotten the facts wrong, OVER AND OVER, because the Democrat-Bolsheviks in the media wanted to sell that false narrative.
As Sharyl Atkisson has detailed in specific example after specific example. The media narrative you cite has not only gotten it wrong, but DELIBERATELY gotten it wrong.
To sell the Democrat-serving false narrative they wanted to sell.
The narrative YOU are lyingly trying to sell.

Like I already said...

Originally Posted by WB
As I've cited sourced examples proving that REPEATEDLY:
Slanted Journalism and the 2020 Election - Sharyl Attkisson

Citing stories PROVEN to be false, by news agencies DELIBERATELY propping up a false narrative, because their journalists, producers, editors and publishers maliciously want that false narrative propped up, across the entire mainstream news media, collaborating together, and also collaborating with Democrat political leaders.
(For example, with Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign, a newspaper quietly e-mailing the Clinton campaign, giving Clinton the option to review a story, and the option to spike it, if she felt it was too damaging to her campaign.
Another example: the "Journo-list" online discussion group of national reporters, brainstorming how to destroy Sarah Palin and John McCain, and also how to destroy and marginalize Bernie Sanders to clear the way for Hillary Clinton's DNC nomination. On and on. )

And you hold up these liars as "proof" ? Don't make me laugh.

Your gods of information are the Bolshevik liars who have consistently gotten he story wrong, and been PROVEN wrong, DELIBERATELY gotten it wrong in case after case for over 15 years.
What I sourced and linked about the El Paso shooting (and about your attempting to conflate it with Trump himself, and to conflate it with Trump supporters, in a vicious lying insinuation) is the truth.
That you are desperately trying to smear, to sell your party's Democrat-Bolshevik narrative.