
A Starlin odditty, this story I just discovered from MY LOVE 20, cover-dated Nov 1972 :


Uncredited in the 7-page lead story, scripted by Gary Friedrich, pencilled by Starlin, inked by Jack Abel.

In the Comics.org listing, it says the story credits were verified by Gary Friedrich. And somehow is credited as Starlin's first published story, even though I already cited his first four published works appeared in Oct 1972, one month earlier.
Maybe this story was Starlin's first work sold, though it appeared in print later.
In any case, how often are you going to see a romance story by Jim Starlin?
Steranko also did a romance story for Marvel, as I recall the last story Steranko did for Marvel, after which Steranko only did covers for Marvel beyond that point.

There are several other early uncredited covers that are both attributed and disputed to be Starlin on Comics.org's list.

An updated link, since the above ComicOnlineFree link seems to be temporarily or permanently down :


And Starlin's other earliest stories I mentioned above...

https://viewcomiconline.com/journey-into-mystery-1972-issue-1/ "Show Me Your Dream.." 6p, Starlin p / Ploog inks
https://viewcomiconline.com/house-of-mystery-1951-issue-207/ "The Spell" 2 pages
https://viewcomiconline.com/uncanny-x-men-1963-issue-78/ cover only : Tuska, Starlin p / Giacoia inks
https://viewcomiconline.com/amazing-spider-man-v1-113/ 22p story, Romita Sr.and Starlin p / Romiaa Sr. and Morrtellaro inks