Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Karl Rove call Trump on Jan 6 bullshit

Those that attacked law enforcement on Jan 6 are not hostages.

Karl Rove has sold out Republican conservatives, and joined the ranks of Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Joe Scarborough, Mark Steele, Nicolle Wallace, the Lincoln Project RINO-Republicans (formerly McCain campaign consultants, sabotaging McCain's 2008 campaign from within), White House staffer Cassidy Hutchinson, and another Trump employee Stephanie Grisham who leveraged attacking Trump into a panelist job on The View
ALL of them, every one, are sell-out whores who have turned attacking Republicans into a cottage industry, that has gotten them highly-paid anchor/consultant positions on liberal networks, daily attacking other Republicans.on network TV.

Before Rove began attacking Trump, the liberal media hated Rove, HATED him, and could not say enough about how eeeeeevil and Hitler/Goebbels-like he was.

An example from 2010...

But now that Karl Rove has joined the other side and become an anti-Trump propagandist, you vicious liars cannot sing his praises loudly enough.
Because he is now parroting your false narrative. NOT with facts, but with his deep-state Uni-Party RINO talking points opinion.

Which puts him on the same level as James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, and John Brennan (all similar discredited propagandist deep state -ers, all criminals whose federal abuses are clear, but instead of in jail where they belong, are protected so they can mouth their poisonous Democrat narrative every night on CNN and MSNBC. )

Well over 100,000 people attended the January 6th protests, in voiced opposition to count of the rigged electoral votes, and pushing for investigation of the abundant evidence of irregularities in the Nov 3 2020 presidential election. TheyPEACEFULLY AND PATRIOTICALLY protested for delay of the Jan 6th electoral count, to CONSTITUTIONALLY challenge and investigate the integrity of that election.

It is an ABSOLUTE FACT that there were "a least 20" (that FBI ADMITS to) undercover FBI agents disguised as Trump supporters in the crowd.
Likewise "at least 20" (that they ADMIT to) undercover DHS agents disguised as Trump supporters in the crowd.
And "a least 10" undercover DC Metro police officers, disguised as Trump supporters in the crowd.

And at least 20 Antifa activists led by John Earle Sullivan, who were also disguised as Trump supporters in the crowd, who OPENLY BOASTED in their many videos all over the internet that they would commit acts of vandalism and violence, and giggled in their posted videos they would get Trump supporters blamed for their own acts, or even trick Trump proesters into committing bad acts right beside them.
I can think of only TWO Trump supporters who did so: the Alabama guy Richard Barnett (sentenced to 4.5 years in jail) who put his feet up on a desk for a photo (urged to pose for it by 2 unidentified men, likely "un-indicted co-conspirator" undercover FBI agents who set him up) in Nancy Pelosi's office.
And the Florida guy who stole Nancy Pelosi's podium, Adam Johnson, who was sentenced to 75 days in jail.
And NEITHER of those are violent acts that should have warranted more than a fine or a week in jail.
Even in the case of the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys and so forth, these groups were given the battle plan for that day by undercover FBI agents, one of whom shared a hotel room with the Oath Keepers leader. it was a set-up all the way. Just like the FBI's kidnapping sting operation to grab Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, where the FBI came up with the kidnapping plan, the financing, and the van, and basically tricked a few guys to go along with a plan they never dreamed of, guys who otherwise couldn' find heir owwn asses wih 2 hands and a flashlight. The Trump hating wife-beating, sex-club-swinger who supervised the Whitmer kidnapping fiasco... WHO SHOULD HAVE BEEN FIRED FOR THAT... was then sent to Washington DC to set up the Trump supporers on January 6th.

And now... there are over 1,100 PEACEFUL January 6th protesters who have been held indefinitely in jail for no reason, for OVER 3 YEARS, without trial, without legal counsel in many cases, without presented evidence against them of having committed any crime.

And as I said before, Jill Sanborn (assistant director of the FBI's counter-terrorism division, leading the Jan 6th investigations) and FBI director Christopher Wray BOTH UNDER OATH IN SENATE TESTIMONY, when asked by Sen Ron Johnson, by Sen.Ted Cruz, by Sen. Rand Paul, "Did you have undercover FBI agents in the crowd tha day? Did undercover FBI agents orchestrate vandalism or violence on Jan 6th? Did FBI agents committ violence themselves on Jan 6th?"
To each of these questions, Sanborn and Wray each time said "Senator, I can't answer that."
Which is a pretty clear admission that YES, FBI agents were disguised as Trump supporters, DID incite the crowd, DID commit violence and vandalism themselves, FBI orchestrated all these things to happen, NOT the actual Trump supporters they framed.

It is also a fact that someone dressed as a police officer (probably FBI, and photographed in other articles and photos I've linked) was repeatedly firing concussion grenades into crowds of PEACEFUL protesters outside the Capitol.
People just standing around waving flags, and the guy firing concussion grenades was deliberately trying to stampede them and CREATE chaos and violence at the peaceful protest. It has been investigated by citizen journalists and conservative papers like American Greatness and Rebel News, showing photos and video evidence of the crowds that day, that the three other Trump supporters who died that day, who were diagnosed before the event with fragile heath, Kevin Greeson (55) who died of a heart attack, Benjamin Philips (50) who died of a stroke, and Rosanne Boyland (34) from some other kind of seizure, that it is argued were actually killed by multiple concussion grenades fired at them that caused them to die, when they otherwise would not have collapsed and died at the Capitol protest rally.

It is DEEPLY offensive for you, M E M, to imply that these 1,100 people were criminals who somehow deserved indefinite incarceration for over 3 years in the worst conditions (and in 3 cases, death from concussion grenades) just for PEACEFULLY protesting that day, as is their Consitutional right, to legally challenge an election.
At worst, the barricades were moved aside by police-uniformed men ( NOT Trump supporters) that tricked Trump supporters to go in areas they did NOT know were restricted. In this case, these 1,100 protesters would be guilty of trespassing at worst, punishable by a small fine, not imprisonment, and certainly not imprisoned indefinitely for over 3 years.
But were, in truth, just victims of entrapment.
Many other uniformed Capitol police officers (clearly shown in MULTIPLE VIDEOS) opened the double doors and INVITED IN peaceful protesters who walked around peacefully and took some selfies, and then were later arrested in their homes in 6 AM raids by SWAT teams in their homes, and held indefinitely. For WHAT?!?

Federal and police agents and Antifa infilrated the crowd, DISGUISED AS Trump supporters, and orchestrated and THEMSELVES commited all, or virtually all, of the violence that day.
And the highest FBI officials, Wray and Sanborn, WON'T say, "No, it wasn't our plan or our FBI agents."
Because it WAS their own FBI agents who orchestrated it all, who set them up.
It was a sham.
A set-up.
It was CREATED, as a lying Democrat narrative, to prevent actual investigation of election fraud in the Nov 3 2020 election, a narrative created to dominate media coverage of the Democrat-Bolshevik policy implemented in Joe Biden's (and his Democrat-Bolshevik puppet-masters' ) first 6 months of Jacobinist radical transformation of our county.

So 1,100 innocent protesters sit in a dirty federal prison, beaten regularly by radical-Democrat-Leftist Trump hating guards, forced to drink moldy water from toilets.
Often not even provided the ability to shower and shave.

By contrast, in Antifa and BLM riots in roughly 600 cities nationwide across 2020, where THERE WAS actual violence, vandalism, injured police and federal agents, and dozens of Secret Service agents injured protecting the White House and other federal buildings nationwide, was arson on federal buildings, and Molotov cocktails thrown in police cars intended to kill police, where there were federal agents permanently blinded deliberately with laser-pointers aimed at their faces for hours while these officers pushed back riotting leftist crowds... the 97% Democrat-donating and weaponized FBI and DOJ JUST SET THEM FREE !!!!!!
NO charges, NO indefinite imprisonment, no prosecution or trial, no expensive hiring of lawyers needed, no endangerment of their jobs by detainment, no loss of their homes due to imprisonment causing them a loss of income for years.

Where is the equal protection, and equal prosecution under the law, for these Antifa and Black Lives Matter suspects, M E M ?

Or for the many other far more destructive and violent attacks by Democrat/Left protesters on the Capitol, in the years before Jan 6th, and in the years since, radical leftist groups WHO TRULY DID "storm" the Capittol ?
The leftists who invaded the Captiol during the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearings.
The radical Leftists who invaded the Capitol again after Jan 6th over environmental fanaticism.
The radical Hamas protesters who have invaded the Capitol and threatened/intimidated legislators multiple times since the Oct 7 2023 Hamas attacks?

Where are THOSE arrests, M E M?
Hamas was screaming "death to America" at a Dearborn, Michigan rally just 2 days ago. Why hasn't FBI arrested and/or deported those clear threats to U.S. citizens, and to U.S. national security.?

You don't care, M E M.
Because for you it isn't about truth or protecting the country. For you it is ONLY about pushing a lying narrative, just to benefit your Democrat-Bolshevik lunatic party.