I thought Byrne's art on DP 1 was functional. It conveyed the story, nothing more. I no longer expect JB's work to be anything more than competent.

The story...well, for a first issue, it's very weak. It's a direct continuation from the JLA "Tenth Circle" storyarc. And I mean direct...to have any semblance of what's going on in DP1, you have to read the JLA issues. And for a #1, I think that's not a good tack to take. There's no amount of substantive character introductions, nada. It's "Tenth Circle,"part 7.

I'm in favor of rebooting the DP, but if the series doesn't get any better than what's indicated in the first issue, it won't last. You can't compare this book to say, ASTONISHING X-MEN. Byrne's whole approach seems to be to tell a story reminscent in style and dialog to a 70s DC comic.


Last edited by Jim Jackson; 2004-07-09 8:22 AM.

We all wear a green carnation.