Originally posted by Captain Sammitch:
But I don't approve of their actions.

And my conscience would not permit me not to oppose laws sanctioning such actions.

But that's just me.

I think you've misunderstood your own statement on this one Capt. What you are saying is you are willing to prevent a homosexual couple from enjoying the same rights, freedoms, and resposibilities of a heterosexual couple. That you would deny them their right to the pursuit of happiness, in a basically private area of their lives that wouldn't interfere with your rights. Imagine if people were wanting to ban hetero marriage. How would you react to that?

It appears that you are indeed willing, or trying, to interfere with others personal belifs.

I most emphatically do not, however, think you are ignorant. The overall content of your posts belie that notion.

I'm not a big fan of marriage in any instance. I think it's just a vestige of our past that serves no real purpose in the modern world. But, if two strights can matrry, I see no reason two gays or lesbians can't.

Don't know if it matters, but if it does, I myself am straight, so I don't have a dog in this fight.
