Originally posted by klinton:
You are using a faith that is historicaly noted for causing wars, burning witches, and attempting mass genocide to justify the 'evils' homosexuality will wreak on society? And that's not ignorance in it's most blatant form?

I really have nothing against you mate, but please recall that you started this. If the statement that you would actually oppose me, and my freedoms is not a bigger slap than simply referring to you as ignorant...Well you let your christian concience weigh that one out.

And last, before you start singling out homosexuality as the supreme evil in the world, please re-read your bible...as last time I checked, things as common as looking at another woman with desire, having sex before marriage, and judging your fellow man were held on par as 'sins' just as 'evil' and worthy of God's wrath.

[yuh huh]

Ok, first thing...

ig-no-rant: adj. 1. Without education or knowledge. 2. Exhibiting lack of education or knowledge. 3. Unaware or uninformed. (Houghton Mifflin American Heritage Dictionary, Second College Edition)

Hmmmmmm. Interesting. Without education or knowledge. I have listened to your arguments and the arguments of others with the same beliefs, and I am well-acquainted with your side of the issue. To call me ignorant just because I don't agree with what you say - well, that just doesn't show much maturity at all.

[whaaaa!] I should feel guilty for 'opposing you and your freedom'? Well, damn! I had no idea you were magically protected from disagreement! [yuh huh] Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from opposition. You can make yourself out to be some kind of victim all you want, but the number of ad hominem attacks and insults to my intelligence you've made might diminish the amount of sympathy you get. [no no no]

[izzat so?] Singling out homosexuality as the supreme evil? Wait a minute, I'll go check... Hmmm... it would appear I never made any such statements! In fact, I repeatedly stated that "I'm no better than anyone else", "Homosexuals aren't any worse than anyone else", and other such statements as well. The Bible does say that all sins are equal, which is precisely why I said those things. The difference is that you're basically expecting me to approve of legislation that attempts to make one of those sins legally legitimate. I'm simply maintaining that my conscience wouldn't permit me not to say anything about it. If you have a problem with that, then you're the one who's insulting what I believe, which might make your 'I'm the victim' approach a bit less defensible.

And then there's that whole evils of Christianity argument. Now that's scraping the bottom of the barrel. I love it when people search endlessly until they find people who are even remotely associated with a religion - even if their actual practices are completely against that religion's principles - and use things they did decades or centuries ago to instantly discredit any argument based on the sacred texts of that religion. If that's not religious prejudice, I don't know what is. [no no no]

I can't stand that 'you must hate me because you won't let me have my way' mentality. It's like dealing with a four-year-old kid! [yuh huh] It is entirely possible for me to respect you as a person without agreeing with every single thing you say. I have been extremely patient and understanding throughout the course of this thread. I'm getting tired of hearing the same tired whining that I'm some sort of Nazi out to deny you your very existence. I didn't come in here saying we should outlaw homosexuality or send gays to concentration camps or anything of the sort. In fact, I said several times that I have respect for homosexuals and would like to help them. But it appears you won't be satisfied until everyone approves of your agenda, and until then, you feel the need to keep discrediting them with your personal attacks on their character, beliefs, whatever, all the while making yourself out to be the victim of bigotry and persecution. A little hypocritical, I feel.

Thanks for playing. Next question.