It's not about "hating gays". I think my opinion is a bit more strident than Capt. Sammitch's. But even I advocate basic rights for gays as people.
I just draw the line at a point where legal precedent does not undermine the rights of Christians and other non-gays, and pervert Christian traditions out from under them.

It's a balance between the rights of gays -vs- the rights of Christians.

The name-calling and comparison of any non-gay views as ignorant, Nazis, witch-hunters, etc., is completely hyperbolic, antagonistic and groundless. Please show me here where anyone has advocated the extermination of gays in a witch-hunt/Nazi fashion.
In a democratic society, gays have the right to exist, live together, and practice their lifestyle.

Gays do not have the right to force their beliefs and ideology on the mainstream by manipulation of the legal system. They do have a right to live with basic freedoms, like everyone else.

Marriage in the Judao-Christian tradition is, again, one man, one woman, and a ceremony before God. It is a religious practice. gays do NOT have a right to pervert the definition of marriage, and arbitrarily change a standard that has existed for at least 6,000 years.
Gays have the right to live together, and possibly create their own traditions and ceremony for long-term commitment. They DON'T have the right to change and undermine others' tradition and beliefs.
And "gay marriage" changes the definition of marriage, and infringes on the rights and traditions of non-gays.