Originally posted by klinton:
I'm sure nobody arguing against me in here is an overall bad person...But when it comes to overlooking religious bias (and it always seems to boil down to that) and treating a gay or lesbian as an equal human being, a legal declaration of one's sexuality is like painting a giant target on your forhead.

Imagine if I was looking for employment from these individuals and the subject of my marital status came up. Do you think I'd get the job?

At every job I've worked for the last 10 years, I've worked with co-workers who were openly gay.

Again, the gay persecution is an invention that doesn't gel with my own reality.

And you ignore that "gay" is a religion of sorts as well.
( i.e., a belief system, with a dogmatic ideology, primarily of which is the belief that homosexuality is not an abberant desire like pedophilism or smoking, but is instead an inborn genetic trait, that rationalizes the lifestyle. And rationalizes legally forcing recognition of gayness as if it were a protected minority, like blacks, whites, asians and hispanics.
Whereas others, like myself, believe that "gay" is a behavior, a habit, a lifestyle choice, not subject to special minority status. Many have left the gay lifestyle, taken wives and become Christians. )