I said I was done but saw some more stuff.

Klinton, I'm sorry about all the stuff people did to you or your friends in the name of Christianity. Believe it or not, that angers me as much as it probably angers you. Jesus never threw stones at people who did things He didn't like. He didn't excuse their behavior, but He didn't hate them for it, and He certainly didn't visit physical violence on them.

Still, the messenger is not the message. I sincerely doubt that the individuals you have mentioned speak for the whole of Christianity. I myself have been on several service projects to help the gay community, whether it's helping them find food and clothes (there are lots of homosexuals on the streets too, guys), bringing food and medicine to shut-in gays who are now terminal AIDS patients (and that was an eye-opener), or any number of other things.

Clearly, I do not see homosexuals as second-class citizens, nor do my actions suggest that I do. But that still doesn't mean I approve of or agree with the things they do. And that's why I am opposed to laws that would keep them doing the same things or cause others to slip into that lifestyle. I don't see my faith as something that compels me to persecute gays. But I'm not willing to go against my principles just so I can rubber-stamp something I don't believe in for the sake of avoiding controversy.

Okay, now I'm done. Please, nobody drag me back into this - I haven't even looked at the other forums yet! [nyah hah]