My last reply to this subject is to once again ask (and I don't want an answer, just answer this to your own conscience) why is it you can sit there and tell me that "it's ok for you to to be gay, as long as it doesn't affect my life" but if I say " it's ok for you to be a christian as long as it doesn't affect mine" why are my needs and rights as a human being less important than your own? Who are you to judge the value of my rights?

Jesus Christ himself never once declared my life and it's course invalid. Not once. In fact, the most violent condemnations he uttered were against the religious leaders of his time who attempted to declare thier will as the word of God and judge others by thier own warped interpretation of scripture. If the son of God, HIM personified, turned his anger toward people like you, without ever once even commenting on people like me, can you at least open your mind to the idea that maybe you might be wrong on this one?