LOL..I loved your closing statment, and no you're not a bastard. I tried to express earlier in this oh-so-fun thread that I realize that none of these people are evil people (and yes, Dave that includes yourself). This is a polar topic, that not unless it's happening to you it seems hard for people to 'get'. My parents, for all the hatred between us today, are not bad people...I mean, I have them to thank for so many things in my life (including that life itself).

In fact, Piggy, I wish that everyone saw things the way you do. If you want to look at my life as a sinful existence, fine....but do not deny that in the eyes of god you are no better than me, that your own sins are just as great. The people who bemoan homosexuality the loudest have taken it upon themselves to judge me as only Jesus is entitled, a practice I cannot imagine how they justify in thier hearts. This alone, despite any other lavasciousness they might engender puts them on par with my 'sins' in His eyes.

The one thing I want to take you to task about here is the statments that come dangerously close to equating pedophelia with homosexuality. I know that you never actually draw a comparison, and throw the blame on the fuckers themselves for attempting to manipulate a situation for thier own ends...But that link alone disturbs me.

Do you really feel that by allowing two adults, who love and care for eachother with the same emotions that you employ in your relationships can ever be compared to such depravity? To link the two is like saying that because you're entiled to have sex with your girlfriend, the law will eventually come to terms with the fact that raping her is accepable, regardless of her desires...This is to say that there is no possible link bettween somone who would hurt a child and somone who just wants to love another grown man or woman. I think people are smart enought to realize the distinction here, don't you?

Thank's again for your post here.