Originally posted by Wingnut-EL:
It seems to me that this bias against gay marriages is just another, in a long line of, example of the followers of christian mythology persecuting those they disagree with. The christian war on homosexuals is just this generation's version of burn the witches. Will you never learn.

Excuse me, but I was acting as reasonably as possible. I do not persecute anyone, I follow the examples of the martyrs that came before me. Oh yeah, they were persecuted. I know I am not the world's greatest example of a Christian, but I am trying my best and I am also trying my best to be an American, where I have to respect the law and the rights of others. I understand that according to my Church, being a homosexual is not a sin, but the actual acts are sinful. Well duh, they say the same thing about any pre-marital couple. Now granted, a legal marriage, or 'union' if that's a better word, would not be legitimate to an established religion, but that is enough for some people. My sis is legally married and is not married by any church -- it's not a problem for us. Beardguy57 said it best: 'I do NOT want " Special Rights". I DO want the same rights as heterosexuals.' And it is not impossible for a homosexual to believe in God in some form.