I guess to a degree, you are right. My intention in re-examining biblical texts is contradictory to your (and by extension, the churh's) understanding them, and thus undermining concepts that you hold as fundamental and unshakable. I suppose if this makes me a force of evil in your eyes, then that's a lable that I'll live with.

As a gay man, I cannot simply excuse my natural state as a deviant and immoral existence. I just can't. I tried in my teens, but it led me to personal misery and contempt for God. Perhaps if you and I could switch places we might understand eachother better.

The only real sin I can comprehend in this world is that of inflicting harm on others. So long as my actions are not hurting another, I cannot believe that God would begrudge me my happiness. If you can reconcile your hatred with your faith, then I guess I'm happy for you. I think we've reached an impass here, so it's pointless to continue, eh?