Originally posted by Dave the Wonder Boy:
Originally posted by Dave:

I read "tradition and policy" as "homophobia".

I read "homophobia" as daring to voice an intelligent opinion that bucks the opinion of the gay/liberal community, and being falsely labelled a "hater" of some kind, to undermine dismissively the logic and intelligence of those views.
Well, I'm sure someone has probably already beaten me to the punch, but here goes: Dave, there is NO "logic and intelligence" to a "view" that slams homosexuality. There are 0 justified moral/ethical grounds to discriminate against gays in any way. Puff up and talk about the big, bad "liberal/homosexual agenda and/or media" all you want--- start flinging bible quotes all you want--- but in the end that's just a lot of hot air that boils down to one thing: you don't like homosexuality because YOU just don't like it. Period. Which is your right, of course--- but that hardly makes it a "logical or intelligent viewpoint".