I think you clearly mean the other Dave, Bearguy57, and not me.

Originally posted by Danny:

DaveTWB, your argument implies that people who have had sex should not be allowed to be married. Or people who have looked at pornography. "No, I'm sorry, you can't be married. You coveted your neighbour's wife."
These things are apparently against the word of the bible. Therefore, by your logic, allowing those guilty to be married would undermine the Christian church.

This clearly is NOT what I said in my above posts.

I never said that if someone has had premarital sex, that they can never be married.
To repeat myself, because you obviously weren't listening, any past transgressions can be forgiven, for someone who changes their way and begins living a life in line with Biblical teachings (i.e., who repents).

A gay person can be forgiven, and even marry a person of the opposite sex, after changing their life in accord with a Christian lifestyle.

Originally posted by Danny:

Your argument also continues to rely on the presumption that the institution of marriage, and the Christian church are inextricably linked. I contend that such is not the case.

I raise the issue because gays try to wrap their "gay marriage" in Christian ceremony, whereas in contrast homosexuality is consistently portrayed Biblically as one of the most destructive plunges into decadence a society can take.
Gays have the right to live together, and practice their lifestyle. They already have this, and have for roughly 20 years or more. What's occurring now goes beyond gay rights, and is instead a gay offensive on Christianity, and on other groups who would be content to allow homosexuals to have their subculture, if it were not thrust in the faces of the rest of us in the mainstream.

Gays don't have the right to change Christianity, as they're clearly trying to. It's no longer about gay rights, it's about a subversive legal agenda.
Marriage and gay civil union are two separate things, the first clearly created by God in Genesis, and favored by God, and the latter clearly not.
As I've said.
Please don't keep raising the same allegations to points I've already answered, in extensive detail.