My stance is this: Gays should have the right to get married. Religions most definitely keep their rights & beliefs. They however should not impose them on others. So if say the Catholic church won't do gay marriage that is their right. Now if say the Methodist Church wants to do them, than thats their right. Seems like a win win situation here. You would think anyway but there is the sancity of marriage argument making the rounds. Wow so much concern about a small percentage of the population. Where is that concern for the majority of the population? Whats the divorce rate these days? (it was over 50 percent) Why does the church allow people to remarry? The Bible is really clear about divorce. The new testament says remarriage is adultry. Defense of Marriage indeed! How is this not hypocrasy?

Captain, you asked why gays should have the right to marry. I ask you why shouldn't two people in love who want to make that commitment not get that option? I could argue it benefits everyone when a society treats all its citizens equally. I could also mention heterosexual people need no such justification. How do you like to be treated when you don't fit in with the crowd?