I agree with him. Prayer and forgivness are a part of it too. I know plenty of people who are either currently in a homosexual relationship, or who have persued that in the past. Now they claim they are gay, but in reality aren't, or have said they are bi, and are so not. I told Dave offboard of 3 examples of what I just said here. I wont go into detail because of who it is, but one of them I will at least say this. It's someone that grew up in a Christian home, grew up going to church, know's what the Bible says about homosexuality, and says they are willingly going againts God's word, but she's doing it anyhow. Oh and this person is still attracted to the opposite sex.

And don't think I'm siding with Dave on this one just to have someone in his corner either, I've talked to at least one friend about this from church and she agrees with what we've said 100%. In fact, she was over the other night and I showed her a post that klintion made on here where he took a passage from Mathew and misinterpreted it. My friend even said the same thing I did when she saw it. This isn't something that a select few Christians think, this is what is stated in Bible.