So ignoring the history of the time & some how equating a mob trying to rape travelers to two guys having a loving relationship in todays society is following the scripture? And I gotta ask do you really believe rape is sex?

Dave the Wonder Boy brings up Paul's letter to Romans. A literal reading ignoring the historical context once again turns what was said & understood at the time into the complete opposite of his message. Keep in mind Paul's audiance is both the Jews & the Gentile Christians. Arguments between the two groups are the major concern & he's trying to bring them together. He does quite cleverly with his letter. Both groups are being rebuked. He brings up homogenial acts as a purity matter to hook in the Jews & apeal to their sense of superiority. The whole goal is to bring the two groups closer together. At the time it was the least controversial of the purity issues. Sadly his main argument that faith & love are whats important in Christ & not what is pure or impure is used to divide people from the church.