Originally posted by klinton:
And Dave...can't you see, despite all of your arguments as to what the Bible says on the matter, that this discrimination is just plain wrong? I mean, you show these glimmers of being a sensetive, normal guy and then top it off with such venom and contempt.

I mean, if you were really so worried about the sanctity of marriage, wouldn't you become a marriage counselor? It seems to me that 'straight' people - christian and otherwise - don't really view it with any sort of divine respect, what with the 50% divorce rate and all....

What I've stated is the clear standard of the Bible, chapter and verse. It is NOT "discriminatory and wrong". That is what it says. And to say otherwise is just misrepresentative spin on your part.

As I've said repeatedly, related to the Bible, I've only repeated what it says.
One man's "venom" is another man's facts. Reading the Bible, what I've quoted are clearly GOD's facts. And straying from God's standard has brought anarchy to our culture. Sorry you don't see it that way. The anarchy in our culture seems pretty evident to me.

The divorce thing has already been mentioned. It's largely a result of popular culture, and lack of commitment bred from bombardment of messages selling instant gratification in our popular media. That's your secular culture at work, undermining Christian ideals, commitment and fidelity, saying that every kind of "alternative lifestyle" is okay. Of which gay culture has no small hand. But if we object to the obvious moral ambiguity that is causing it, we're "narrow-minded" and "homophobes".

I don't dislike gays as people, I think they're good people who have bought into a belief system and lifestyle that a few decades ago any individual would have just snapped out of, and gotten on with their life. And looked back 20 years later, sitting next to their wife, and said; Geez, what a crazy idea that was...

Whereas now there's a huge movement that pushes for all kinds of twistings of our traditions, and rights for the 2% or so who are gay (and even THAT number seems incredibly high to me), and stomp on the traditions of the other 98% of the population who aren't gay.

Do you REALLY think that's not going unsettle and piss off a lot of people?

I really don't see why gays need marriage, other than to annoy conservatives nationwide. Will it really win any more respect from the mainstream for gay marriage? Or will it just be something where a vast percentage of that 98% heterosexual majority will just roll their eyes and say "whatever..."

I mean, why not just live together? Many heterosexual couples do. And they don't pretend God or the Bible sanctions their doing so.

Gays would serve their cause better by not rubbing their abberrant sexuality in the rest of our faces. It's just gross to me, I don't even want to think about it. I feel no hostility toward gays, let them do whatever they want behind closed doors.
But force me to look at it, and to see laws passed that undermine the definition of marriage as it has existed for 6,000 years, and twists the very meaning of the Bible itself... well, you've crossed the line of what you can do in your own home, and tried to pervert what is sacred to me. Just so you can rationalize your own lifestyle.

And hell yes, I have a problem with that.

I've offered explanations, clear and indisputable, but you clearly won't accept anything other than YOUR VERSION of the truth (which is to say, a lie that rationalizes homosexuality) despite all logic to the contrary. Well, don't expect me to endorse your lie.