I think you are all missing Dave TWB's point.

Because the Bible says homosexuality is immoral, DTWB formulates his opinion on these religious teachings.(and I think it takes a dramatic stretch of reason to assume that there isn't overwhelming evidence of such a condemnation within the overall collection of the Christian Bible)

But in response, there are two lines of criticism.

1. The argument that the Bible doesn't condemn homosexuality.


2. Some derision for the position itself which manifests itself in two possible forms:
A. Disgust at the Bible for taking a stand contrary to one's opinion, or
B. Disgust at Dave TWB for having a position contrary to one's own.

As to Point 1, I have said above, I feel this is at best revisionist history. I think it is possible to take my view that it is not the divine word of god, but rather God's word as told by man. Or even to dismiss it as folklore. But it is also a legitimate view to believe as DTWB does. That everything in the Bible must be followed as the way he or his church reads it. You may not approve of his views, but I think it is a legitimate view. Because I believe that if a person who had never read the Bible before came to this topic in an objective manner, one would conclude that the Bible prohibits homosexuality. Right or wrong, I feel the overall tone and content of the Bible (as a whole) does not approve of the lifestyle.

Point 2 is more complex. Point 2a is the easier part. It should be the crux of the debate, actually. The true debate here should be whether the Bible is correct. I think there is some room here. DTWB feels that the Bible is ALWAYS correct. Others may feel that the Bible is folklore. I am in neither camp.

But that brings me to Point 2b: the derision of DTWB for his views. I will defend DTWB. DTWB doesn't seem to have malice. He seems to be defending a position that has been given to him by a higher power. He believes it because he is a firm believer in his faith. I find that admirable.

I understand the argument that if we remove the teachings of the Bible with which we don't agree, then it is not God's teachings, but rather man's.

I think people are too quick to dismiss others as hatemongerers when they are subscribing to a theory that is not their own.

Now, I imagine someone would make the argument that DTWB should do some thinking on his own. But I think we'll all agree that "Does God exist" is a WHOLE other 10+ Page thread.

The simple fact is, DTWB has subscribed to a doctrine that tells him the moral code of life is "x" and he, in his reasonable opinion, has to follow all or nothing.

I think DTWB's theory is perfectly valid, though I disagree with it.