[QUOTE]Originally posted by BigOl'Willie:
[QB] I think you are all missing Dave TWB's point.

Because the Bible says homosexuality is immoral, DTWB formulates his opinion on these religious teachings.(and I think it takes a dramatic stretch of reason to assume that there isn't overwhelming evidence of such a condemnation within the overall collection of the Christian Bible)

The only logical response to that is that the inquisitions, the crusades (essentialy mass genocide), and the witch hunts, were all based on what was deemed accurate interpretaion of the bible at the time. These readings have since been revisited, and their merits discounted. To propogate hate in the name of the bible is, in my eyes, not a valid theory. It's a travestty against humanity, masquarading as 'christian morality'.

I mean - just to step outside the argument at hand here - the church botches things as simple as not praying to idols, nor making for oneself representations of anything in the heavens or on earth for devotion. They set up saints as mediatiors to pray to, when they angels themselves (perfect creatures that bask in God's glory) refuse any sort of devotion from men, and Christ specifically said that no oe can approach the father exept through him. These too are simple, stated in black and white principles that the church ignores to thier own ends. When asked in his book about the use of titles in the church (a practice specifically condemned by Christ), Jean-Paul replied something to the effect that 'these traditions had been in place so long that what harm could there be in them'....exactly the sort of behavior Christ had warned against.

These are just a few minor examples...all things stated just as plainly in the bible as 'homos are bad', but yet somehow they can look the other way here, and reason thier way around them...but to look for justification for my existence from my creator is to propogate lies?

Do you understand why I argue so fervently? As I've said, I have nothing against Dave. He actually sounds like a right decent guy, who's willing to concede more than most. But just as he cannot let go of his convictions, I cannot possibly ignore my own.