Originally posted by Pig Iron:
Matt, tolerance is a double-edged sword. Any person straight, gay, lesbian, bi, etc that is pro homosexual rights demands tolerance for the most part (I don't want to generalize too much). At the same time people like you offer none. You just wan to take and take and take. From your perspective homosexuals deserve the rights that are inalienable. Fine, I have no problem with that regardless of my religious beliefs.

People who act as you have been doing are a stain on positive conversation, action and debate...and nothing positive comes of it. Do you ever wonder why Israel and Palestine have never settled their differences? It's because of people who think and act exactly as you do. Demanding tolerance, demanding this, taking that..but never, never offering the same in return. Why should anyone who thinks even more strongly than I do or Dave does even bother discussing anything with anyone as curmudgeonly as you are? It won't get them anywhere, their negative opinions will be reinforced and ultimately do more harm than good (especially in the general populace).

Matt, homosexuals will get marriage and even more proteceted civil-rights, etc. But guess what, there won't be a wellspring of positivity from middle America. And it won't be something that middle America wants. It will be granted by the government, and much like slavery will be forced upon the common people. When the government forced the abolition of slavery down the american citizen's throats it took generations for it to set in properly (although the history books you have read may not tell that tale)..in fact it did more lasting harm than good. The same will happen with the homosexual rights issue. Martin Luther King did more in a decade to heal the wounds of generations by speaking of understanding, common sense, tolerance and inalienable rights than any that had come before. Because he was accepted by the common American, because they eventually related to his message..because of his demeanor and the compassion he exuded as a leader.

Matt, you will bring disdain upon yourself and those you are seeking to help because you end up looking as ridiculous trying to advance homosexual ideals as Jerry Falwell does advancing Christian ideals. The joke is only as funny and successful as the delivery, and your delivery is neither effective or eloquent.

But I'm NOT Martin Luther King, Pig Iron. I'm just a mere mortal who doesn't suffer fools well.

And no one in the history of mankind has ever looked/sounded as ridiculous as Jerry Falwell. Just sayin'... [wink]