I find your song a preachy anaethma, Amy, sorry.

To summarise Dave TWB's arguments as to the corruptive nature of homosexuality, then:

1. HIV/AIDS is a disease spread by gays but, conceded, only predominantly in the US and other Western countries;

2.homosexuality is a herald to or directly creates "a general sense of "anything goes" permissiveness". This is because "Gay rights kick open the door to rights, and spread, of a wide variety of sexual practices and perversions. All of which undermine family, fidelity and marriage." In other words, as I understand it, the strengthening of gay rights could lead to the acceptance of other forms of behavour which is contrary to Dave's interpretation of the Christian moral code.

3. homosexuality and those who advocate for gay rights "corrupt and re-write scripture for its own purposes. Undermining the true teachings of moral behavior for Christianity. "

4. it is a crime with victims: "And in the example of a gay man who gives HIV/AIDS to another man or a girlfiend, or a wife, or to children through his infected wife, through a secret bisexual life or other lack of consideration for his partner, homosexuality is clearly not a "victimless crime"." In other words, again as I understand it, the victims are the duped spouses or sexual partners of bisexuals who are infected with AIDS. Homosexuality is therefore not a victimless crime.

Examples of corruption #1,2 and 4 are each plagued by logical fallacies, which I will make clear. Dealing with each of those in turn:

1. again, I think you're being ethnocentric. "Morality" isn't limited to just North America and the European peninsula: I assume morality and the effects of morality are global bcause Christianity is a universal religion. Yet you say:

a. AIDS is predominately spread by gays
b. yet only in the West, and not in the rest of the world
c. therefore AIDS is a gay disease and is a form of "corruption".

This lacks logic - its ignarato elenchi. Its also probably a circular argument or a non sequitur- AIDS is an indicator of corruption, AIDS is spread by gays, homosexuality is an indicator of corruption, therefore AIDS is an indicator of corruption, therefore homosexuality is corrupt.

2. Gay rights will lead to the downfall of civilisation - you let open the barn door, and all the cows will get out. This is a logical fallacy, too - the slippery slope.

3. Interpretation of the Bible is an industry in itself. You oppose a liberal interpretation, which is just as valid as liberally interpreting the Bible so that it can co-exist with evolutionary theory. You exclude all other interpretations of the Bible save your own. This is a radical fundamentalist view.

4. the fourth example of the corruptive nature of homosexuality suffers from the logical fallacy of the hasty generalisation. What about all of the gays who are devoted to their partners? Or the gays which are not bisexual? Or the open bisexuals who practice no deceit? You take one segment of the gay community and apply their practices agaisnt all segments.