Originally posted by Dave the Wonder Boy:
Not being a Catholic, and seeing very clearly that vows of celibacy (i.e., an inability to marry) , are clearly NON-Biblical, I offer no defense of the Catholic church's policy on this.

But I would hasten to add that many Catholics I know are outraged by this protection of child molesters in the church, and many have denied tithe-collections and other support to the Catholic church as a result, until the Vatican changes its position. Which will really hit the Vatican where it hurts, until they do change their policy.

The Catholic clergy's position is a clear good-ol'-boy situation, where the elite of the Catholic church can thwart the will of its parishioners. But it is not just, or Biblical.

Again, Genesis 2, verses 23-25 establishes that men and women are to marry for companionship and family:

23 The man said,

"This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called 'woman,'
for she was taken out of man."

24 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
25 The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.

Christians (and specifically priests and nuns and other clergy) are not pressed to celibacy in order to serve God. I have absolutely no idea why the Catholic church does not abolish this practice. They would find far more men and women eager to become priests and nuns. And this would weed ot the abusive perverts victimizing innocent boys (and girls).

The Old Testament book SONG OF SOLOMON details a healthy, and passionate, relationship between a man and his wife. Christianity is clearly not meant to be sexlessness, or sexual repression. Or celibacy. This book is a celebration of marriage:


Sweet. Now you're slamming on the Catholics, too. Will the Jews be next on your lil' hit parade, O wise one?