Originally posted by Mr. Lesbo:
So why do gay men on average die 6 to 7 years before smokers on average die? This statistic is a dirty little secret that most in the media rufuse to report.

Another well kept secret is the media does not find it news worthy to print sexual misconduct commited by gay males.

I agree. The gay community at large is a messed up, hedonistic place. That doesn't inherently make gay people all like that. There are those of us that find it just as repulsive as everyone else. Being gay is not an excuse to be immoral. I adressed this much earlier in here while explaining the various reasons for the high AIDS statistics in the community. And once again, if this is a critique on the 'morality' of homosexuality, I'd like to point out these statistics are exclusive to the male population and do not apply to lesbianism.