Originally posted by Wednesday:
An honest question: Would any Christians mind if the legality of Christian marriage was withdrawn, basically taking away the benefits gays are currently striving for?

No malice intended. It's a serious question.

Marriage is by definition: one man/one woman, for life.

Gay marriage is never stated or implied in the Bible. And as I've said endless times, chapter and verse (LEVITICUS 20, ROMANS 1, GENESIS 18 and 19) clearly and indisputably condemned, literally, symbolically, and cross-freference thematically. Gay marriage, based on the Bible, is polar opposite what the Bible says about homosexuality.

You and others keep talking as if the Bible endorses gay marriage, and that gay and heterosexual forms of marriage have equal weight, Biblically. They clearly do not.

If you abolish heterosexual marriage, you might as well abolish Christianity. And I believe that is what is being attempted by those who advocate homosexual marriage: Deliberate undermining and confusion of what Christianity is, to the point it ceases to exist popularly in accordance with Biblical teachings.
It is an attempt to turn Christianity into a "buffet religion" and destroy its sanctity and meaning. And the sanctity and meaning of Christian marriage as well.

I think, in your hypothetical situation, Wednesday, if Christian marriage and benefits were banned, that Christian marriage would just be driven underground. It would not be recognized as sacred and substantial to the state, obviously, but it would remain valid and sacred to Christians.

But as I said one man/one woman is arguably the entire world's standard (Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, whatever)and so I think is not a parallel with the concept of gay marriage. The two are not the same in the eyes of a majority on the planet.