Originally posted by harleykwin:
[QUOTE]You must mean me. I've only quoted what the Bible says. As I've said on pretty much every page of this topic, repeatedly, it's NOT my/our judgement. We are all imperfect in different ways (i.e., we are ALL sinners, whether Christians or non-Christians, homosexuals or HETEROsexuals, all are imperfect in the eyes of God.)
I've only clarified what the Bible ITSELF says. I've pointed out the STANDARD, not passed judgement. Judgement is reserved for God alone.

Actually, I didn't mean you specifically. I wrote that without anyone in particualr in mind, but with some of the things I had read two nights ago still in my head - who said what wasn't what I was thinking about. I was trying to respond to Batwoman's comment about Christians defending themselves. My point was only that if Christians (or for that matter, anyone really) called someone something negative, they cannot then be surprised that someone responds by defending themselves. That's all.

I've already re-explained what I said so I wont bother to repeat myself. I will say this, however, not once did I say anything about Christian's bashing anyone, or saying anything negative against anyone. My point was, Christians can't say anything about their faith or beliefs with out someone coming over and calling us closed minded hatemongers, yet anyone that isn't a Christian, or doesn't agree with us, can say whatever they want. Now tell me that's not hypocritical. And before anyone will say I'm lying I'll tell you a true story that happened in my journal.

For those that have never ready my journal, I don't hide the fact that I'm a Christian, in fact, I often talk about it and what was said in church or what my church group has done, etc. So one day I did a post that mentioned nothing of Christianity, not the fact that I'm a Christian, not the words Bible or church, nothing, and yet some troll decided to come over, post anonimously(sp) and say something to the extent of how my God hates people, or is wrong, or something. I don't remember what was said exactly, but I did do a screen caputre of it, right after I closed my journal to anoymous(sp)posts which sucked because there are plenty of people that don't have a live journal but read my journal and sometimes post to it. Granted that's a rare time, but still.