Originally posted by Batwoman:
Originally posted by Dave:
My point was, Christians can't say anything about their faith or beliefs with out someone coming over and calling us closed minded hatemongers, yet anyone that isn't a Christian, or doesn't agree with us, can say whatever they want. Now tell me that's not hypocritical.
I think many people's problems with conservative Christianity is that its a closed shop to "alternative" (but increasingly mainstream) lifestyles: it concentrates more on orthodoxy (the "close-midedness" you refer to) than the pragmatic reality that there are gay Christians, there is science which disproves many aspects of the Bible, and there are problems in the priesthood (not least of which is the right of women to become priests).

In marginalising honorable and decent members of the community, it will eventually become marginalised itself, if indeed this has not already happened.

To my knowledge, Cathlics are the only ones that deny women the right to become priests. Granted I've never seen a female pastor myself, but I have never once heard anything from any of the pastors at any of the churches I've attended in my life, that have said women can't beome pastors. And those problems in the priesthood you keep speaking of, is again the Catholic faith. If you insist on trying to point out that what I have to say is wrong, that I suggest you get your facts right before you post. Sorry if that came across as short or harsh, it wasn't meant to.
Fortunately for the two of us, I get may facts straight. The only place in the world a woman can be an Anglican/Protestant priest right now is in Australia.